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Download and Install

bochinchero edited this page Jan 24, 2025 · 1 revision

Last updated for Bison Wallet v1.0.0.



The latest version of Bison Wallet can be downloaded from


We recommend you also verify that your download hash matches the hash in the DCRDEX releases manifest. For detailed instructions, read about Verifying Binaries in the Decred Documentation.

You will need to visit the releases page to download the manifest and manifest signature:


Bison Wallet Desktop

bisonw-desktop is the Desktop version of Bison Wallet. This version is a self-contained application, making it the preferred option for new users.

  1. Download the Windows installer bisonw-desktop-windows-amd64-v1.0.0.msi.

  2. Double click the installer and follow the instructions.

  3. The installer adds a shortcut to Bison Wallet on your Start Menu.

  1. Download the bisonw-desktop-darwin-amd64-v1.0.0.dmg file.

  2. Double click the ``bisonw-desktop-darwin-amd64-v1.0.0.dmg` file to mount the disk image.

  3. Drag the file into the link to your Applications folder within the disk image.

Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)
  1. Download the bisonw-desktop-linux-amd64-v1.0.0.deb file.

  2. Open a terminal in the extracted folder and run the command sudo dpkg -i ./bisonw-desktop-linux-amd64-v1.0.0.deb.

  3. Bison Wallet can then be launched from the applications menu.

Once the installation has completed, Bison Wallet Desktop can be launched from the shortcut added to the Start/Application menu. A new window will appear once the application starts.

The Quick Configuration section of this wiki will guide you through the Bison Wallet setup.

Bison Wallet CLI

bisonw is the command line version of Bison Wallet. This version provides access to several optional parameters for more advanced users, a web browser is required to access the graphical user interface (GUI).

  1. Download the file.

  2. Navigate to the download location and extract

  3. The extracted files include an executable named bisonw.

  1. Download the bisonw-darwin-amd64-v1.0.0.tar.gz file.

  2. Navigate to the download location and extract bisonw-darwin-amd64-v1.0.0.tar.gz.

  3. The extracted files include an executable named bisonw.

  4. Open a terminal in the extracted folder and run the command ```chmod u+x bisonw``.

  5. Bison Wallet can then be launched from the terminal using the command ./bisonw.

  1. Download the bisonw-linux-amd64-v1.0.0.tar.gz file.

  2. Navigate to the download location and extract bisonw-linux-amd64-v1.0.0.tar.gz.

  3. The extracted files include an executable named bisonw.

  4. Open a terminal in the extracted folder and run the command chmod u+x bisonw.

  5. Bison Wallet can then be launched from the terminal using the command ./bisonw.

Once the installation has completed, Bison Wallet CLI can be launched from a terminal using the command ./bisonw from within the folder where it was extracted. Once initial configuration has completed, the following message will appear in the terminal:

2024-10-15 10:38:04.710 [INF] WEB: Web server listening on (https = false)

        ****  OPEN IN YOUR BROWSER TO LOGIN AND TRADE  --->  ****

Open any web browser to the link shown by the application. The Quick Configuration section of this wiki will guide you through the Bison Wallet setup.

Building from Source


  1. Go 1.21 - 1.23
  2. (optional) Node 18 or 20 is used to bundle resources for the browser interface. It's important to note that Bison Wallet has no external JavaScript dependencies. The client doesn't import any Node packages. We only use Node to lint and compile our own JavaScript and css resources. This build step is not required if building from a release branch such as release-v1.0.
  3. At least 2 GB of available system memory.


  1. Build the web assets from client/webserver/site/. If building from the master branch, bundle the CSS and JavaScript with Webpack:
npm clean-install && npm run build
  1. Build and run the client from client/cmd/bisonw.
go build
  1. Once initial configuration has completed, the following message will appear in the terminal:
2024-10-15 10:38:04.710 [INF] WEB: Web server listening on (https = false)

        ****  OPEN IN YOUR BROWSER TO LOGIN AND TRADE  --->  ****

4.Open any web browser to the link shown in the terminal. The Quick Configuration section of this wiki will guide you through the Bison Wallet setup.


Build the docker image

docker build -t user/dcrdex -f client/Dockerfile .

Create docker volume

docker volume create --name=dcrdex_data

Run image

docker run -d --rm -p -v dcrdex_data:/root/.bisonw user/dcrdex

Open in any browser, note that if the mapped address/port is different than above, this address may change. The Quick Configuration section of this wiki will guide you through the Bison Wallet setup.

Next Section: Quick Configuration

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