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This is a tray icon tool for the MeshCentral. It displays the state of the agent, you can start and stop the agent and request help. If a meshagent.msh file is present in the same folder as the MeshCentralAssistant.exe executable, this tool will act as an agent on it's on and allow direct connection to the server.
-debug When set a "debug.log" file will be created and internal state of MeshCentral Assistant will be written to it. This is useful for developers to debug issues.
-visible When starting on the system stay MeshCentral Assistant will start with the dialog box visible on the primary screen.
-noupdate Don't accept self-update requests from the server.
-help:"Sample help request" When specified, MeshCentral Assistant will issue a help request to to the server upon connection.
-agentname:"Computer1" When specified, this is the initial name that will be displayed on the server for this device.
-connect If not specified in the .msh file (AutoConnect value) MeshCentral Assistant will automatically connect to the server.
-noproxy When specified, HTTP proxies will not be used.
The .msh file contains the policy MeshCentral Assistant built-in agent will follow. It includes what server to connect to, how to authenticate the server, what device group to initially join, etc. A sample .msh file will look like this and may be included within the MeshCentral Assistant executable when downloaded from the server.
Title=Compagny Name
Here is a list of the possible keys that are currently supported by the agent. Note that the key name must have the exact capitalization:
MeshID The unique identifier of the device group to initially join.
ServerID The hash of the server agent certificate, this is used to securely authenticate the server.
MeshServer The URL of the server to connect to, if this value is set to "local" then multicast on the local network is used to find the server.
DiscoveryKey If multicast is used to find the server on the local network and this key is specified
AutoConnect This is a binary flag value. 1 = Don't be on the system tray, 2 = Auto-connect to the server. Use 3 to specify both flags, 0 for no flags.
Title When specified, this is a branded title used for the MeshCentral Asssitant dialog box.
Image A base64 encoded PNG file with a branded logo to use for the MeshCentral Asssitant dialog box.
disableUpdate When set to any value, this will disable MeshCentral Assistant self-update system.
ignoreProxyFile When set to any value, HTTP proxies will not be used.
You can watch many tutorial videos on the MeshCentral YouTube Channel. MeshCentral Assistant has it's own introduction video.
Introduction to MeshCentral Assistant.
This software is licensed under Apache 2.0.