Releases: JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX
Releases · JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX
- Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.20.
- Added (machine) Translation to new cutscenes, items, and characters.
- (2023-10-08 13:26 GMT+8) Remove temporary fixes because Ano hot-fixed them in 2.20fix1.
- (2023-10-09 10:34 GMT+8) Opening Card Pack causing array overflow error.
- Auto Hand-in quests is now a tweak.
- Added rewards for TCG
- You need 80 interest to initiate duel, and 5 minute will pass after duel.
- You get a impression bonus if you win, this can be used during party time to satisfy guests.
- You get opponent-level / consecutive-win based music ticket reward.
- You get 1 card pack for every 5 win against unique NPCs
- Some TCG balance and AI change.
- Added TCG rules to the 'Card Game Manual' Red Book.
- Auto Hand-in quest causing NPC using shadow step attack on others.
- Splitting creatures not dropping items.
- Manuscript/Published-Book item name display error.
- Added TCG functionality.
- Talk to Miches to get a deck and 20 card packs after you completed her quest.
- Assemble your deck of 30-60 card, and 'i'nteract and duel with people.
- Different races have different decks, some NPCs in Vernis have customized deck.
- Some decks may be underwhelming, some may be gamebreaking, so feedback is appreciated.
- I'm out of card ideas so those are welcomed too.
- Challenge Tweaks
- Always Etherwind.
- Double Tax each month.
- Slower Travel / Hunger doesn't slow in World Map.
- Allow you to Nuke your home (not really a challenge but still)
- Tweak to revert 2.17 cooking changes.
- Tweak to disable 2.17 boss out-of-sight healing.
- Loyter now hate bards again.
- Slave sprite shown at Slave Trader.
- Zeome AI Tweak are harder to cheese.
- Auto-hand-in harvest/hunt/trap/party/panic/challenge quests.
- Card pack generation (may become a tweak if you don't like them)
- Removed Custom-G Nefia gold buff.
- Tileset error in Noyel caused by Custom Nefia.
- Card pack image error.
- Added (machine) translations for some cards, items.
- Some unnecessary changes that causes crash or confusion.
- Custom AI teach page overflow problem.
- Necromancy mobs evolved by evolution tweak.
- Plantinum count not refreshed after training.
- Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.19R.
- Added a UI tweak to display stamina bar instead of stamina number.
- Added (machine) translations for some items.
- Added missing actions to Custom AI teaching menu.
- Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.19.
- Swapped the description text for Disciple/Master heart-lock relation.
- Fusion: Debuff potions now requires debuff potions instead of poisons.
- Added (machine) translations for some items.
- Tweak that allow random enemy mob to evolve.
- Tweak that allow faster fishing animation.
- Tweak that allow you to hand in Craft Repair Kits and Material Kits instead of Socks in Urcaguary Quest.
- Custom AI supports remote blow. (If distance > 1 and action is set to Melee Attack)
- Pot of Fusion Page is now remembered.
- Devil fragments are split when used in fusion.
- Item weight is shown when you walk on them.
- More status information is displayed when you (l)ook at people.
- Added a temporary world event filter so world event won't overwhelm slow/new characters.
- Removed the growth value 1/4 display change because it confuses people.
- Adjusted the CNPC summon screen and and added some balancing.
- Allow leashing temporary allies.
- Thread of innervation does knockout animation.
- Wrong creature filter causing some NPC spawning at wrong places.
- Some dialog pop-up / npc name display issue.
- Optimized some performance issues caused by DamageMeter/ShowNPCName/DamagePopup.
- The DamageMeter and ShowNPCName will be disabled by default in the config.txt
- Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.18.
- Added chat pop ups.
- Added a tweak option to disable "exp modifier based on Main Quest Progress".
- Added "Percent Chance" condition for Custom AI.
- Added Import/Export/Reset utility for Custom AI, added hint for swap rows.
- Added a tweak option to "enable CNPC summoning using a summoning crystal and disable random CNPC spawn".
- Custom Nefia Layouts: Reduced monsters in some map layouts.
- Custom Pet Configuration: Raised "eat from your bag" hunger criteria to 10000, added options for drink and chat.
- Fixed a bug where uninitiated ammoproc causing the normal attack animation to be skipped.
- Fixed a bug where NumLock button get spammed when the game starts in background.
- Fixed a bug where "autodestroy_sound." config overwrites "sound." config.
- "BARREL!" support for english speaking alchemists.
- Fixed following bug from original 2.18
- Saving drifters not awarding karma.
- Shadow hop summoning hostile shades that drops loot.
- Using return/escape/aurtehom underwater stuck you inside another continent.
- Jukebox missing several music.
- Title plays World map music due to a mistake in settings.
- Fog tile of forest nefia got replaced by ocean tile.
- Sleeping in town with a werewolf crashes the game.