Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.18.
Added chat pop ups.
Added a tweak option to disable "exp modifier based on Main Quest Progress".
Added "Percent Chance" condition for Custom AI.
Added Import/Export/Reset utility for Custom AI, added hint for swap rows.
Added a tweak option to "enable CNPC summoning using a summoning crystal and disable random CNPC spawn".
Custom Nefia Layouts: Reduced monsters in some map layouts.
Custom Pet Configuration: Raised "eat from your bag" hunger criteria to 10000, added options for drink and chat.
Fixed a bug where uninitiated ammoproc causing the normal attack animation to be skipped.
Fixed a bug where NumLock button get spammed when the game starts in background.
Fixed a bug where "autodestroy_sound." config overwrites "sound." config.
"BARREL!" support for english speaking alchemists.
Fixed following bug from original 2.18
Saving drifters not awarding karma.
Shadow hop summoning hostile shades that drops loot.
Using return/escape/aurtehom underwater stuck you inside another continent.
Jukebox missing several music.
Title plays World map music due to a mistake in settings.
Fog tile of forest nefia got replaced by ocean tile.
Sleeping in town with a werewolf crashes the game.
You can’t perform that action at this time.