Math expression parser written in C# for .netcore
ExoParse stands for ExpressionParser or math Expression Parser.
In ExoParseV1, version 1 can be found. This version is now deprecated. It's more like the prototype for version 2, a proof of concept.
In ExoParseV2, version 2 can be found. This is the latest version. The program class and main method/entry point is in ExoParseV2/app/Program.cs More information can be found in ExoparseV2/readme.txt
I've actually found myself using this tool for homework because I know it better than anything else.
Some examples of V2:
:def isPrime(num) = n = abs(num); if(n <= 2, true, if(n % 2 == 0, false, {sqr = int(ceil(n^0.5)); res = true; for(i = 3, i <= sqr, i += 2, if(n % i == 0, {res = false; i = sqr + 1})); res})) isPrime(num) has been created.
count = 0; for(i = 10000000000, i < 10000001000, ++i, if(isPrime(i), ++count; print(i))); count
10000000019 10000000033 10000000061 10000000069 10000000097 10000000103 10000000121 10000000141 10000000147 10000000207 10000000259 10000000277 10000000279 10000000319 10000000343 10000000391 10000000403 10000000469 10000000501 10000000537 10000000583 10000000589 10000000597 10000000601 10000000631 10000000643 10000000649 10000000667 10000000679 10000000711 10000000723 10000000741 10000000753 10000000793 10000000799 10000000807 10000000877 10000000883 10000000889 10000000949 10000000963 10000000991 10000000993 10000000999
> :def factorial(n) = if(n > 1, n * factorial(n - 1), 1)
factorial(n) has been created.
> factorial(5)
> factorial(170)
> factorial(170) == 170!
factorial(170) == 170!