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svg lua library (made for LUA 5.3.4)


You can install the minified version using NPM with NodeJS: npm i svg-lua


To use the installed minified version with Require "svg-lua", you must add the reference for LUA to the file.

Check the package.path documentation for more information about it.

normal usage to draw a complete svg

mon_dessin = svg:create()

result for print(mon_dessin:draw()) :

<svg width="100" height="100" fill="transparent" stroke="#000000" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <rect stroke="#000000" fill="transparent" y="10" x="10" transform="" width="10" height="10" ry="0" rx="0" stroke-width="1" />

You can modify an existing element and add it several times in the same drawing:

mon_dessin = svg:create()
rectangle = mon_dessin.Rect()
rectangle.x = 20
rectangle.y = 20

result for print(mon_dessin:draw()) :

<svg width="100" height="100" fill="transparent" stroke="#000000" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <rect stroke="#000000" fill="transparent" y="10" x="10" transform="" width="10" height="10" ry="0" rx="0" stroke-width="1" />
    <rect stroke="#000000" fill="transparent" y="20" x="20" transform="" width="10" height="10" ry="0" rx="0" stroke-width="1" />

using the lib to generate only elements, without the global <svg>

all svg elements are composed with these properties:

  • name : the type of element (rect, text, polyline, ...)
  • content : if the elements have a content (eg: the text content for <text></text>)
  • strElement : the complete element, with all the parmaters, rendered as a svg string
  • all other option : all the element options that are present in svg (eg: x, y, height, width, ...)

you can use the strElement option to get the svg formated string and use it as you want.

mon_dessin = svg:create()
rectangle = mon_dessin:Rect()

result for print(rectangle.strElement) :

<rect stroke="#000000" fill="transparent" y="10" x="10" transform="" width="10" height="10" ry="0" rx="0" stroke-width="1" />

for several elements, you can use the normal usage and replace the draw() method by the innerdraw()

mon_dessin = svg:create()

result for print(mon_dessin:innerdraw()) :

<rect stroke="#000000" fill="transparent" y="10" x="10" transform="" width="10" height="10" ry="0" rx="0" stroke-width="1" />
<circle stroke-width="1" r="25" cy="30" cx="30" transform="" fill="transparent" stroke="#000000" />


can be tested here

to test using the binaries included in the project:

  • open a command prompt un the subdirectory lua5.3.4-win64 (Shift+Right Click on Windows)
  • type lua53.exe ..\test.lua

If you want to save the output in a file to see the result you can add > result.svg or >> result.svg following the previous command to save the result in an html file:

  • lua53.exe ..\test.lua > result.svg: this will create a file result.svg in the directory with the resul, replacing the file if already exists this can be done using test.bat.
  • lua53.exe ..\test.lua >> result.svg: this will create a file result.svg in the directory with the resul, appending result to the existing file if already exists.

If you are using a custom test file, replace test.lua by your file name.

minified version

svg-min.lua generated with luamin (Require NodeJS) If you installed luamin, you can use the script minify.bat included to minify the file svg.lua to svg-min.lua


Main methods

svg:create(width, height, stroke, fill) create the svg object

- width: number => width of the drawing, default to 100
- height: number => height of the drawing, default to 100
- stroke: string => lines color, default to "#000000"
- fill: string => fill color, default to "transparent"

svg:addText(text, x, y, anchor, style, transform) add text

- text: string => the text to write
- x: number => Horizontal position, default to 10
- y: number => Vertical position, default to 50
- anchor: string => the text-anchor attribute (start, middle or end)
- style: string => style of the text (css with svg params), default to:
    * `font-family: Verdana`
    * `font-size: 10`
    * `stroke: self.stroke` svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
    * `fill: self.fill` svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:addRect(x, y, width, height, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, rx, ry, transform) add a rectangle

- x: number => Horizontal position from top left corner, default to 10
- y: number => Vertical position from top left corner, default to 10
- width: number => Width of the rectangle, default to 10
- height: number => Height of the rectangle, default to 10
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- rx: number => Horizontal raduis of the corners, default to 0
- ry: number => Vertical radius of the corners, default to 0
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:addCircle(r, cx, cy, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a circle

- r: number => circle radius, default to 25
- cx: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- cy: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:addEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add an ellipse

- cx: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- cy: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- rx: number => Horizontal radius of the ellipse, default to 25
- ry: number => Vertical radius of the ellipse, default to 15
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke, strokeWidth, fill) add a line

- x1: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- y1: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- x2: number => Horizontal radius of the ellipse, default to 25
- y2: number => Vertical radius of the ellipse, default to 15
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)

svg:addPolyline(points, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a polyline

- points: string => all the points of the polyline with the standard svg format  "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 ..."
- stroke: string => lines color
- strokeWidth: string => lines width
- fill: string => fill color
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:addPath(d, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a path

- d: string => standard svg parameters
- stroke: string => lines color
- strokeWidth: string => lines width
- fill: string => fill color
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:add(element) add an element to the drawing

- element: svg.Element => see farther for element list

svg:draw() return the svg formated string

svg:innerdraw() return the svg formated string for elements added to the drawing, without the outer <svg>

Elements for svg:add(element) or elements rendering only

svg:Text(text, x, y, anchor, style, transform) add text

- text: string => the text to write
- x: number => Horizontal position, default to 10
- y: number => Vertical position, default to 50
- anchor: string => the text-anchor attribute (start, middle or end)
- style: string => style of the text (css with svg params), default to:
    * `font-family: Verdana`
    * `font-size: 10`
    * `stroke: self.stroke` svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
    * `fill: self.fill` svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:Rect(x, y, width, height, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, rx, ry, transform) add a rectangle

- x: number => Horizontal position from top left corner, default to 10
- y: number => Vertical position from top left corner, default to 10
- width: number => Width of the rectangle, default to 10
- height: number => Height of the rectangle, default to 10
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- rx: number => Horizontal raduis of the corners, default to 0
- ry: number => Vertical radius of the corners, default to 0
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:Circle(r, cx, cy, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a circle

- r: number => circle radius, default to 25
- cx: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- cy: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:Ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add an ellipse

- cx: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- cy: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- rx: number => Horizontal radius of the ellipse, default to 25
- ry: number => Vertical radius of the ellipse, default to 15
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke, strokeWidth, fill) add a line

- x1: number => Horizontal position of the center, default to 30
- y1: number => Vertical position of the center, default to 30
- x2: number => Horizontal radius of the ellipse, default to 25
- y2: number => Vertical radius of the ellipse, default to 15
- stroke: string => lines color, default to svg:create() parameter ("#000000" by default)
- strokeWidth: string => lines width, default to 1
- fill: string => fill color, default to svg:create() parameter ("transparent" by default)

svg:Polyline(points, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a polyline

- points: string => all the points of the polyline with the standard svg format  "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 ..."
- stroke: string => lines color
- strokeWidth: string => lines width
- fill: string => fill color
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)

svg:Path(d, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, transform) add a path

- d: string => standard svg parameters
- stroke: string => lines color
- strokeWidth: string => lines width
- fill: string => fill color
- tranform: string => transformation options (eg: rotation)


svg lua library







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