This project is about building components for a maze, adding new GameObjects and scripts to make a playable game. If you want to play it, go to .
At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:
- What is the Canvas
- What is screen space vs world space
- How to use the Rect Tool
- What are anchors and how to use them
- How to display and update information in the UI
- What is a coroutine
- How to create a menu
- How to use Unity’s UI Interaction Components
- What the alpha value of a color is
- How to set and change material colors with scripts
- What are common accessibility concepts to consider
- A file, at the root of the folder of the project
- Use Unity’s default .gitignore in your project folder
- Push the entire project folder 0x03-unity-ui to your repo
- Scenes and project assets such as Scripts must be organized as described in the tasks
- In your scripts, all your public classes and their members should have XML documentation tags
- In your scripts, all your private classes and members should be documented but without XML documentation tags
- For this project’s manual review, the reviewer will clone your repo and open your project in Unity
- C#
- Unity
I'm a Software Engineer and a current AR/VR engineering student at Holberton School.