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JaykeBird edited this page Feb 22, 2023
11 revisions
This page contains a list of all classes in the Solid Shine UI library. Select an item below to learn more about that particular class.
(Note that all of these class files are auto-generated; hand-typed pages and documents will be available from the Home page.)
- ArithmeticParser
- AutoCompleteBehavior
- BindableChild
- BindableChildConverter
- BindableHighContrast
- BrushFactory
- CheckBox
- CheckState
- ChromeButtons.CaptionType
- ChromeButtons
- ClickSelectTextBox
- CollectionSelectionChangedEventArgs
- ColorPaletteFileReader
- ColorPickerDialog
- ColorScheme
- ColorsHelper
- ColorToBrushConverter
- ContextMenu
- DoubleSpinner
- EnumComboBox
- FileSelect
- FlatButton
- FlatWindow
- FlatWindowCommands
- FontSelectDialog
- HighContrastOption
- IntegerSpinner
- ISelectableCollectionSource(T)
- ItemAddingEventArgs(T)
- ItemRemovingEventArgs(T)
- ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs
- LinkTextBlock
- LongSpinner
- Menu
- MenuButton
- MenuItemExtensions
- MessageDialog
- MessageDialogButtonDisplay
- MessageDialogImage
- MessageDialogImageConverter
- MessageDialogImageConverter.MessageDialogImageColor
- MessageDialogResult
- NativeMethods
- PlacementDirection
- RectConverter
- SelectableCollection(T)
- SelectableCollectionView(T)
- SelectableItem
- SelectableUserControl
- SelectedTabCloseAction
- SelectionChangedEventArgs(T)
- SelectionChangeTrigger
- SelectPanel
- StringInputDialog
- TabControl
- TabItem
- TabItemChangeEventArgs
- TabItemClosingEventArgs
- WildcardMatch
- ActionKeyAction
- CommandKeyAction
- IKeyAction
- KeyActionList
- KeyboardCombination
- KeyboardShortcut
- KeyboardShortcutEventArgs
- KeyboardShortcutHandler
- KeyboardShortcutsIo
- KeyRegistry
- RoutedEventKeyAction
- SubKeyRegistry
- ColorListItem
- ColorListItemDisplay
- DoubleStringConverter
- FilePathToIconConverter
- FilePathToNameConverter
- GradientBar
- GradientStopItem
- IconLoader
- IconSizeConverter
- ImageColorPicker
- ImageTextListItem
- ItemAddingStringEventArgs
- LimitableStringCollection
- MultilineStringInputDialog
- RelativePositionSelect
- StreamExtensions
- TabDisplayItem
- TabItemDropEventArgs
- TabScrollCommandAction
- TwoPositionsSelect
- ExperimentalPropertyList
- IPropertyEditor
- ListEditorItem
- ListEditorItemControls
- PropertyEditorItem
- PropertyEditorValueChangedEventArgs
- PropertyListDisplayFlags
- PropertyListHideAttribute
- PropertyListObjectEventArgs
- PropertyListShowAttribute
- PropertySortOption
- PropertyValueChangedEventArgs
- CharInputDialog
- ImageBrushEditorDialog
- LinearGradientEditorDialog
- ListEditorDialog
- RadialGradientEditorDialog
- BooleanEditor
- BrushEditor
- CharEditor
- ColorEditor
- CornerRadiusEditor
- DecimalEditor
- DoubleEditor
- EnumEditor
- EnumerableEditor
- FontFamilyEditor
- FontStyleEditor
- FontWeightEditor
- GridLengthEditor
- GuidEditor
- IntegerEditor
- ListEditor
- LongEditor
- PointEditor
- SizeEditor
- StringEditor
- ThicknessEditor
- UriEditor
- VersionEditor