goNewton is a simple Go API wrapper for the newton micro-service.
Newton does anything from numerical calculation to symbolic math parsing.
go get github.com/jay9596/goNewton
- Newton API
- Go wrapper API GoDoc
Basic Trignometric calculation
cos, _ := newton.Cos("pi")
sin, _ := newton.Sin("0")
tan, _ := newton.Tan("45")
Error handling
Error handling is very simple, just check it error returned is nil.
tangent, err := newton.Tangent("x^3",2)
if err != nil {
// error handling
Some merhods require additional parameters, in the newton API these are includede via "|" pipe, or ":" colon depending upon the endpoint. Here two different methods are present to call these endpoints.
newton.Area("x^3",2,4) // Area of expression from start value to end value => 60
newton.AreaStr("2:4|x^3") // => 60
newton.Log(8,2) // log(8)<sub>2</sub> => 3
newton.LogStr("2|8") // => 3
newton.Tangent("x^3",2) // Tangent of expression at point => "12 x + -16"
newton.TangentStr("2|x^3") // => "12 x + -16"
The methods with 'Str' in names use the newton API string format to send additional values.
For more information about the endpoints and micro-service, checkout the newton Github repo