This web app made with Angular 11 is a statistics panel where you can see stats about users, posts and the most use tags.
If you want to see the live demo, click here!!
(The stats shown here are fake, they are fetch from web apis).
* Genders
* Age of our Users
* Countries where we are present
In this component we show all the posts in the app made by the users, it is possible to filter by Incident Type.
Also, it's possible to click on a post and see more details about it, like the location where happened.
Here the most use tags are shown and you can sort them by length or alphabetically.
Packages | Purpose |
@ngrx/store | Redux for Angular apps. |
Ng-bootstrap | Angular powered Bootstrap. |
Font-awesome | The iconic font and CSS framework. |
Ngx-pagination | Pagination for Angular. |
Subsink | SubSink is a dead simple class to absorb RxJS subscriptions in an array. |
OpenLayers | OpenLayers mapping library. |
Moment | Date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. |
Ng2-charts | Charts for Angular based on Chart.js |
Material | Angular Material |
Store-devtools | Developer tools for @ngrx/store |
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.2.5.