A pipeline to scrape and transform RADOLAN data into netcdf. RADOLAN is a product from the Deutscher Wetter Dienst that provides high resolution precipitation records from 2005 - present for Germany.
While the data is openly available, it is not in a format that can be easily processed.
The included pipeline downloads and transforms data into a single netcdf file, that can
be processed by standard tools like xarray
Create an environment, using the environment manager of your choice and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Add a .env
file in the top level directory specifying a path to store the data.
Additionally, you can specify a logging configuration, but that is not required as a sensible default
is included.
LOG_CFG=logging.yaml # Not required.
By default the pipeline will download all data for the year 2005 - 2018. While
the pipelines has constant memory requirements, it will create files consuming ~50G disk space.
To only download data for a subset of years, edit the __main__
section in pipeline.py
Then run
python radonlan_scraper/pipeline.py
Once the pipeline ran through, you can visualize the data, for example using xarray
import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset("path/to/combined.nc")
ds["rain"][2000:2006].plot.imshow("x", "y", col="time", col_wrap=3, robust=True, origin="upper")