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The solution of the Poisson equation contributes a significant portion to the overall runtime in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) when solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Multigrid methods are frequently utilized to accelerate its solution, however, their performance highly depends on a series of solver settings. The optimal solver settings are subject to the encountered flow physics and generally unknown beforehand. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is able to efficiently find optimal control laws for complex optimization problems by interacting with an environment. The present thesis aims to implement a DRL training routine in order to learn optimal multigrid solver settings. The resulting policies are able to adjust and maintain the optimal solver settings during runtime, leading to a decrease in the required execution time by up to 22% compared to the default settings. The policies are able to outperform a priori unknown optimal solver settings by up to 3%, as a consequence of the runtime optimization. This thesis further provides insights into the choice of the optimal solver settings with respect to the encountered flow physics and domain decomposition of the simulation. The trained policies generalize to unseen environments to some degree provided the modeling of the flow as well as the numerical setup is similar. However, the overall generalization capabilities to environments that have not been part of the training are not optimal yet and remain a matter of future studies.

Deceasing the execution time by predicting optimal solver settings

The DRL training routine implemented in drlfoam trains a policy in order to find optimal solver settings for GAMG and maintain them during runtime. Currently, only for the parameters smoother, interpolateCorrection and nFinestSweeps. During execution of the simulation, the policy predicts the optimal solver settings for the next time step based on the convergence behavior of GAMG in the previous time step.

For example, in the cylinder2D environment (test_cases/cylinder2D), the policy is able to decrease the required runtime by 22% compared to the default settings:


nonBlockingGaussSeidel is hereby the fastest smoother (without a policy), which is generally unknown beforehand. Random policy denotes a policy predicting random solver settings, which can be seen as equivalent to guessing optimal solver settings. The policy is able to decrease the runtime compared to the optimal settings by a modification of the GAMG settings during runtime:


Each probability corresponds to a smoother and interpolateCorrection predicted by the policy. The smoother is then chosen based on the highest probability and alternates between GaussSeidel and nonBlockingGaussSeidel while interpolateCorrection remains switched off over the course of the simulation (probability is always lower than 50%). The number of the finest sweeps are increased in the first part of the simulation, contributing to the overall decrease in runtime:


Since the optimal solver settings depend on the flow physics encountered, training a policy for predicting the optimal settings is significantly faster than benchmarking them manually, while the policy is additionally able to decrease the execution time of the simulation by modifying the solver settings during runtime.

Getting started

The agent provided in the test_case directory can be included in any simulation executed with OpenFoam. However, the trained policies are only tested on the corresponding test cases, for other applications it may be necessary to train a policy for a specific simulation (procedure is described below). The test_cases directory contains all the test cases investigated in this thesis as well as the agent and all requirements for executing simulation. The post_processing directory contains scripts for visualization and analysis.

General information and prerequisites

In case the policy is not executed in the provided test cases, the fvSolution has to be modified, because the current implementation of the agent assumes that the target field (e.g. pressure) is the first dictionary in the fvSolution file. Although this may change in future versions, at the moment the following steps have to be executed when including the agent into simulations, which are not provided in the test cases directory:

  1. modify the fvSolution file so that the dictionary for the field, which should be optimized comes first. An example is given below (or refer to the provided test cases)
  2. add the two additional entries interpolateCorrection and nFinestSweeps to the solver dict. The agent assumes that there exists a total number of exactly six entries in the solver dict (four mandatory entries and the two additional entries)
  3. include the agent in the controlDict. Examples can be found in the controlDict of the test cases provided. The specified field name has to match the first dictionary in the fvSolution file, e.g. in the following example solver dict p has to be defined as field name in the controlDict
  4. modify the paths in the Allrun and Allclean scripts accordingly (compare to the Allrun scripts used by the test cases)

An example solver dictionary may look like:

      solver 	              GAMG;
      smoother 	              DICGaussSeidel;
      tolerance 	      1e-06;
      relTol 	              0.01;
      interpolateCorrection   no;
      nFinestSweeps           2;
 ... remaining solver dicts (order doesn't matter) ...

The solver has to be GAMG in all cases, the specified settings for smoother, interpolateCorrection and nFinestSweeps are not relevant since they are modified by the agent during runtime.

Note: In case the policy should be trained for specific simulations, these simulations first have to be added as environment to drlfoam. If the simulations have a variable time step, adjustTimeStep (defined in the controlDict) needs to be set either to on or to yes. Otherwise, the training will crash when computing the rewards. Independently of the time step, the timeStart for the agent needs to be larger than the specified finish time of the base case to avoid executing the agent when running the baseline simulation at the beginning of the training. When executing the trained policy (when deploying / validating in the target simulation), the timeStart has to be set to zero, if the agent should be executed right from the beginning.

Test cases

All simulations located in the test cases directory are OpenFOAM tutorials with minor modifications. The original cases can be found under:

  1. mixerVesselAMI:


  2. surfaceMountedCube:


  3. weirOverflow:


  4. cylinder2D:


The policy in each simulation directory of the test_cases directory is a randomly initialized policy created by using the script within drlfoam. The policy denotes a trained policy, which is already included in the controlDict as well.

Run simulations locally

The test cases can either be executed without a container (requires native OpenFoam installation) or under the usage of a Singularity container.

without container

The test cases were tested using OpenFoam v2206. Prior executing the test cases, the number of subdomains may have to be adjusted according to the available computational resources. For running a simulation, the following steps have to be executed:

  1. compile the agent by executing ./Allwmake in a terminal
  2. source the setup-env by executing source setup-env
  3. cd into the directory of the simulation and execute the Allrun script

with container

If no native OpenFoam installation is available, simulations can be executed under the usage of Singularity containers. The container utilizes MPI v. 4.1.2, if the local machine used a different version, the execution of the flow solver may not work. For running a simulation execute the following steps:

  1. download and compile the container build by executing sudo singularity build of2206-py1.12.1-cpu.sif docker://andreweiner/of_pytorch:of2206-py1.12.1-cpu
  2. by default, it is assumed that the container is located under /test_cases/
  3. the repository or at least the directory containing the test cases needs to be located in the /home/ directory, refer to this issue for more information
  4. execute source setup-env --container
  5. cd into the directory of the simulation and execute the Allrun script

Run simulation with SLURM

On HPC clusters, the test cases can be executed using the Singularity container. The steps for executing the test cases remain the same:

  1. module load singularity/latest
  2. ./Allwmake --container
  3. cd into the directory of the simulation and execute the jobscript script (the provided jobscript may need to be modified)

The in the test_cases directory is an example shell script for executing simulations on an HPC cluster (here for the Phoenix cluster of TU Braunschweig). The required nodes and partion names may have to be adjusted according to the available resources and numerical setup.

Installation of drlfoam

The version of drlfoam developed in this thesis can be found here along with a detailed description of its installation (branch solver_settings) and examples for conducting trainings either on a local machine or on HPC clusters. Since the drlfoam repository is frequently updated, some instructions or dependencies may change in the future and are therefore not presented here in order to avoid any discrepancies between drlfoam and this repository.


In case something is not working as expected or if you find any bugs, please feel free to open up a new issue.


The report of this thesis can be found under:

BibTex citation:

  author       = {Geise, Janis},
  title        = {{Learning of optimized multigrid solver settings 
                   for CFD applications}},
  school       = {TU Braunschweig},
  year         = 2023,
  month        = dec,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10361535},
  url          = {}


  • the RunFunctions and setup-env taken directly from drlfoam
  • the original drlfoam repository, currently maintained by @AndreWeiner
  • the test cases used are all OpenFoam tutorials


Master thesis about using DRL for optimizing multigrid solver settings in OpenFoam








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