This project was developed using Unity version 2021.3.25f1.
This Unity project was created as part of a research project spanning two semesters and serves as the foundation for my master's thesis at HTW Berlin. The developed application offers various museum tours that incorporate interaction techniques with paintings in augmented reality (AR). It utilizes various plugins and tools to integrate AR functionality and user interfaces (UI).
The project uses the following Unity plugins:
AR Foundation 4.2.7: AR Foundation is a framework that enables cross-platform augmented reality applications. It provides support for ARCore, ARKit, and other AR platforms.
ARCore/ARKit XR Plugin 4.2.8: This plugin offers specific ARCore and ARKit functionalities for Android and iOS devices to enable advanced AR experiences.
UI Builder: The UI Builder is a tool in Unity that simplifies the creation and customization of user interfaces within the Unity engine. It was used to design the UI components in this project.
Ensure you are using Unity version 2021.3.25f1 or a compatible version.
Import the above-mentioned plugins into your Unity project if they are not already present.
Open the Unity project file to load the project.
In the project, navigate to the folder containing the AR scenes and UI components, and launch the desired scene to begin developing your AR application.
Additional guides and resources can be found in the documentation of the used plugins and in Unity's official documentation.
For any questions or issues, you can reach me at [email protected].