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Releases: JakeWharton/mosaic


14 Feb 17:02
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  • Add setContentAndSnapshot to 'mosaic-testing' which returns the initial composition snapshot. This avoids a potential problem with calling setContent and then awaitSnapshot since the latter will trigger a subsequent recomposition (if needed), preventing observation of the initial state.


  • Static composable no longer takes a list. Instead, it behaves like a normal composable which only renders its function once.
  • Drop use of Jansi library for supporting ANSI color output on Windows.


07 Jan 22:17
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  • Create mosaic-animation library, that provides various possibilities for animating Mosaic. An analog of androidx.compose.animation-core.
  • Add IntrinsicSize and related Modifier.width/height/requiredWidth/requiredHeight.
  • New mosaic-testing library for deterministically rendering Mosaic composables under test.
  • Add Mosaic.layoutId which allows identifying the element within its parent during layout.
  • Add Modifier.composed that allows creating custom reusable modifiers with access to Compose functionality inside.


  • Rendering now occurs as fast as possible, although still only when necessary. Previously the maximum FPS was capped to 20, which could cause minor visual delays when processing events.


  • Fix the handling of custom Modifiers that have multiple parents from LayoutModifier, DrawModifier, KeyModifier, ParentDataModifier.


07 Oct 18:30
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  • Support synchronized terminal update for rendering. This should eliminate tearing when rendering updates for terminals that support this feature.
  • The terminal cursor is now automatically hidden during rendering and restored afterward.
  • Added Modifier.onKeyEvent or Modifier.onPreKeyEvent to listen to keyboard events.
  • Send real frame times into Compose which can be used for things like animations.


  • The entrypoints (runMosaic and runMosaicBlocking) have been changed to directly accept a composable lambda. Asynchronous work should now be performed inside Compose's effect system (e.g., LaunchedEffect), and rendering will complete when all effects have completed. Check out our samples for more information about how to do this.
  • Π‘hange DrawScope#drawRect API with the ability to draw with text characters and specify DrawStyle (Fill or Stroke).
  • Drop support for JS target. If you were using this, please file an issue so we can discuss support.


29 May 02:04
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  • Support Kotlin 2.0.0!


  • Remove our Gradle plugin in favor of JetBrains' (see below for more).

Note: Version 0.12.0 was also released today, but it still supports Kotlin 1.9.24.
Check out its release entry for more on what's new.

Gradle plugin removed

This version of Mosaic removes the custom Gradle plugin in favor of the official JetBrains Compose compiler plugin which ships as part of Kotlin itself.
Each module in which you had previously applied the com.jakewharton.mosaic plugin should be changed to apply org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose instead.
The Mosaic runtime will no longer be added as a result of the plugin change, and so any module which references Mosaic APIs should apply the com.jakewharton.mosaic:mosaic-runtime dependency.

For posterity, the Kotlin version compatibility table and compiler version customization for our old Mosaic Gradle plugin will be archived here:

Mosaic 0.12.0 Gradle plugin Kotlin compatibility table

Since Kotlin compiler plugins are an unstable API, certain versions of Mosaic only work with
certain versions of Kotlin.

Kotlin Mosaic
1.9.24 0.12.0
1.9.22 0.11.0
1.9.20 0.10.0
1.9.10 0.9.1
1.9.0 0.8.0 - 0.9.0
1.8.22 0.7.1
1.8.21 0.7.0
1.8.20 0.6.0
1.8.10 0.5.0
1.8.0 0.3.0 - 0.4.0
1.7.10 0.2.0
1.5.10 0.1.0

Mosaic 0.12.0 Gradle plugin Compose compiler customization instructions

Each version of Mosaic ships with a specific JetBrains Compose compiler version which works with
a single version of Kotlin (see version table above). Newer versions of the Compose
compiler or alternate Compose compilers can be specified using the Gradle extension.

To use a new version of the JetBrains Compose compiler version:

mosaic {

To use an alternate Compose compiler dependency:

mosaic {


28 May 20:23
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  • Add linuxArm64 target.
  • Add rrtop sample.
  • Support true color palette.


  • Disable klib signature clash checks for JS compilations. These occasionally occur as a result of Compose compiler behavior, and are safe to disable (the first-party JetBrains Compose Gradle plugin also disables them).
  • Remove Terminal$Size and use IntSize instead in Terminal#size for optimization purposes.
  • Remove Color.Bright* constants. Use Color function to create the desired color.
  • Replace nullable Color and TextStyle with Color.Unspecified and TextStyle.Unspecified respectively. Also make TextStyle an inline class.


  • Use CRLF line endings to fix rendering when a terminal is in raw mode.


27 Feb 18:55
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  • Support Kotlin 1.9.22 via JetBrains Compose compiler 1.5.10.
  • Filler composable is like a Spacer but fills its area with a character instead of a space.
  • Box without content provides the ability to render using drawing modifiers without needing an empty chidlren lambda.
  • Modifier.aspectRatio attempts to constrain a composable to an aspect ratio in either the vertical or horizontal direction.
  • Modifier.offset offsets the composable in its parent by the given coordinates.
  • Modifier.fillMaxWidth, Modifier.fillMaxHeight, Modifier.fillMaxSize, Modifier.wrapContentWidth, Modifier.wrapContentHeight, Modifier.wrapContentSize, and Modifier.defaultMinSize help size composable measurement in relation to their parent.
  • Modifier.weight allows sizing a composable proportionally to others within the same parent.
  • Row and Column each feature an arrangement parameter which controls the placement of children on the main axis of the container.


  • Modifier parameter is now universally called modifier in the API.
  • Disable decoy generation for JS target to make compatible with JetBrains Compose 1.6. This is an ABI-breaking change, so all Compose-based libraries targeting JS will also need to have been recompiled.


  • Ensure ANSI control sequences are written properly to Windows terminals.
  • Robot sample now correctly moves on Windows.

This version works with Kotlin 1.9.22 by default.


13 Nov 21:26
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  • Support Kotlin 1.9.20 via JetBrains Compose compiler 1.5.3.

  • @MosaicComposable annotation restricts composable function usage to those meant for Mosaic
    (e.g., our Text) or general-purpose (e.g., Compose's remember). In most cases the Compose
    compiler can infer this automatically, but it's available for explicit use if needed.

  • LocalTerminal composition local provides the size of the terminal if it can be detected.
    If the size changes, your function will automatically be recomposed with the new values.

    val size = LocalTerminal.current.size
    Text("Terminal(w=${size.width}, h=${size.height})")
  • Row, Column, and Box now support horizontal and vertical alignment of their children.

    Column {
      Text("This is very long")
        "On the right",
        modifier = Modifier.align(End),
  • Add AnnotatedString with SpanStyle for string customization. Instead of writing a series of
    Text functions in a Row, emit a single Text with formatting changes within the string.

    Text(buildAnnotatedString {
      append("Plain! ")
      withStyle(SpanStyle(color = BrightGreen)) {
        append("Green! ")
      withStyle(SpanStyle(color = BrightBlue)) {
  • Spacer node for occupying space within layouts.

  • Constraints and intrinsics are now available in the layout system.

This version works with Kotlin 1.9.20 by default.


14 Sep 19:01
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  • Support Kotlin 1.9.10 via JetBrains Compose compiler 1.5.2.

This version works with Kotlin 1.9.10 by default.


09 Aug 17:11
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  • Support for specifying custom Compose compiler versions. This will allow you to use the latest
    version of Molecule with newer versions of Kotlin than it explicitly supports.

    See the README for more information.


21 Jul 02:13
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  • Support Kotlin 1.9.0 via JetBrains Compose compiler 1.5.0.