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Drivers for Force Dimension sdk compatible haptic interfaces for ros2_control


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This stack includes ros2_control drivers for Force Dimension SDK compatible haptic interfaces.

Tested with a Humble ROS distribution only (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)

Licence CI (humble) Build tests (iron) Build tests (rolling)


The vendor package fd_sdk_vendor is now required! Please follow the installation steps carefully.

Compatible devices

The driver was currently tested on the following haptic devices:


Getting Started

Required setup : Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  1. Install ros2 packages. The current development is based of ros2 humble. Installation steps are described here.
  2. Source your ros2 environment:
    source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    NOTE: The ros2 environment needs to be sources in every used terminal. If only one distribution of ros2 is used, it can be added to the ~/.bashrc file.
  3. Install colcon and its extensions :
    sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
  4. Create a new ros2 workspace:
    mkdir ~/ros2_ws/src
  5. Pull relevant packages, install dependencies (including the vendor pkg fd_sdk_vendor):
    cd ~/ros2_ws
    cd src
    git clone
    vcs import . < forcedimension_ros2/forcedimension_ros2.repos
    rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r
  6. Compile and source the workspace by using:
    colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --symlink-install
    source install/setup.bash

Running the driver

An example launch file is provided with this stack in the fd_bringup package. The driver can be run using

ros2 launch fd_bringup

The device end-effector pose can then be found in the /fd/ee_pose and wrench can be set on the /fd_controller/commands topic. Note that the default launch config is for the Omega 3 device (orientation and clutch OFF).

You can test the readings using plotjuggler and the force control by requesting a (small) force along X axis:

ros2 topic pub -r 1000 \
     /fd/fd_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]"

Practical information

Initialize usb device

USB devices require su privileges to operate unless allowed in udev rules

To declare a new device :

  1. run lsusb -v which gives

    idVendor = 0x1451 Force Dimension
    idProduct = 0x0301
  2. Create and edit udev rules file

    sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/10-omega_3_USB.rules

    and in the file write

    ATTRS{idProduct}=="[PRODUCT_ID]", ATTRS{idVendor}=="[VENDOR ID]", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

    Note: [PRODUCT_ID] is idProduct without 0x, same for [VENDOR ID]

  3. To apply the new rule run

    sudo udevadm trigger
  4. You can try your setup by running the HapticDesk executable from the sdk fd_hardware/external/sdk-3.14.0/bin folder. If the haptic device is recognized, you are ready to go.



ICube Laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France

Maciej Bednarczyk: [email protected], @github: mcbed


Drivers for Force Dimension sdk compatible haptic interfaces for ros2_control







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  • C++ 68.0%
  • CMake 11.6%
  • C 10.7%
  • Python 9.7%