- Xcode 15.3
- iOS 11.0+
- Swift 5.10+
JNImagePicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'JNImagePicker'
- Import JNImagePicker module
import JNImagePicker
- Initalization:
Initialize the image picker object
let imagePickerViewController() = JNImagePickerViewController()
- Setup:
you can setup multiple parameters as shown below, for example:
vc.mediaType = .image
vc.maximumMediaSize = 1
vc.sourceType = .gallery
vc.maximumTotalMediaSizes = 5
vc.pickerDelegate = self
Then display the view by calling
self.present(imagePickerViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
- mediaType: This is for choosing the needed media type to be picked, you can choose between image, video, all
- maximumMediaSize: This is for deciding the maximum media size to be select in MB per each item, by default its value is -1 which means no limit
- sourceType: This is for choosing the source of media to be selected from, you can choose between camera, gallery, both
- maximumTotalMediaSizes: This is for deciding the maximum media size to be select in MB for all selected items in total, by default its value is -1 which means no limit
- singleSelect: A boolean flag to decide if you want to enable the user to select multiple images or just one item, be default its value is false which means multiple selection enabled
- maxSelectableCount: This is to decide the maximum items count allowed to be selected from the picker, by default its value is 999
- allowEditing: This is for allowing the user to edit the selected image by croping it for example, by default its value is false, so initially the editing is disabled
- pickerDelegate: A delegate that informs the listener with some needed informations, you can check them below
- JNImagePickerViewControllerDelegate:
You need this delegate to monitor some information like the media size exceeded, and to get the list of selected media
- didSelectAssets: This returns a list of selected assets
- failedToSelectAsset: This returns an error to indicate that a problem happened when selected an asset
- didExceedMaximumMediaSize: This is to indicate that the selected media size is greater than the maximum
- didExceedMaximumTotalMediaSizesFor: This is to indicate that the total size of the selected media is greater than the maximum
- imagePickerViewControllerDidCancelPicker: This is to inform the view that the user clicked on cancel button
- JNImagePickerViewControllerDelegate:
You need this delegate to monitor some information like the media size exceeded, and to get the list of selected media
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Jayel Zaghmoutt, [email protected]
JNImagePicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.