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String lookup table

russellhz edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 1 revision
string description
.melt refers to a molten data frame (all data under a single column)
A indicates an assumption
acr acre
addl additional
adj adjusted from original data table of the same name
adv advanced scenario
AEZ by AEZ (agro-ecological zone)
ag agricultural product
agg aggregated from original categories
agg aggregate, as in an aggregate sector
agProdChange agricultural productivity change, as annual improvement rate
ALL full mass balance table: production, net exports, supply, and all tracked dispositions
an animal product
archv FAO archive data (early years for data split by years)
arid arid (refers to arid AEZs)
avg average
bal balances
bbl barrels
bbld barrels per day
bil billion
bio biomass
bld building sector
bm2 billion square meters, or thousand square kilometers
bm3 billion cubic meters (cubic kilometers)
by base year
C by GCAM commodity
C carbon
C_density carbon density
cal calibrated
cal caloric content
Capture CO2 capture
Carbon carbon
Ccoef carbon emissions coefficient
ccs carbon capture and storage
CDD cooling degree days (Fahrenheit)
Cdensity carbon density
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
cement cement
chp combined heat and power
CL cropland
cm global gridded crop model
Cnf by GCAM commodity, not including fodder crops
coef input-output coefficient
comm commercial sector
conv conversion
conv convergence
cost input-cost
crop plant-based food commodities
crude crude oil
ctry country
curve supply curve
d day
DepRsrc depletable resource
det detailed, as in a detailed sector
Diet consumer diet
digits number of digits (used for rounding)
distribution energy transmission, distribution, delivery
EcYield economic yield (output per unit of cropland per year)
eff efficiency (output/input)
EGS enhanced geothermal systems
EIA Energy Information Administration
EJ exajoules
elas elasticity
elast elasticity
elec electricity
electd electricity transmission and distribution
emiss emissions
en energy
enduse end-use sectors (buildings, industry, transportation)
ErosCtrl quantity of resbio left in situ for erosion control
Exp exports
F by feed type
F by fuel type
FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
fao FAO category (e.g. Rfao - by FAO year)
FAO2050 FAO Agriculture Towards 2050 report
fby final base year
Feed animal feed
Fert fertilizer
Fi intermediate fuel
Fiber fiber crops
fin final
FixOut fixedOutput
Fllt fillout (fillout = 1)
flow flow in IEA energy balances; similar to a sector or a use
flsp floorspace
fn function
fn filename
Fodder fodder crops
Food consumption by humans
For forest
fos fossil energy
frac fraction
FuelPref fuelprefElasticity
fuelshare share by specified fuel
full complete; with all applicable combinations included
fy future years
gas natural or synthetic gaseous fuel
gaspipe gas pipeline
gasproc gas processing
Gcal gigacalories
gcam3 from, or consistent with, GCAM 3.0/3.1
gcm general circulation (climate) model
GDP GDP (gross domestic product)
gepic GEPIC global gridded crop model
GIS from geospatial data
GJ gigajoules
GJt gigajoules per tonne
globaltech global technology
Grass Grassland
GrdRenewRsrc graded renewable resource
GTAP Global Trade Analysis Project
H hydrogen
h2 hydrogen
HA harvested area
Ha hectares
ha hectares
harv harvested
HDD heating degree days (Fahrenheit)
heat district heat
hist historical
hydro hydroelectric power
i by input
IEA International Energy Agency
iea IEA category
IFA International Fertilizer Industry Association
ifa IFA category (e.g. Rifa - by IFA year)
IMAGE IMAGE integrated assessment model
img IMAGE category (e.g. Rimg - by IMAGE year)
Imp imports
imp imports
in input
ind industrial sector
indenergy industrial energy use
indfeed industrial feedstocks
info general information
input minicam-energy-input
interp interpolation
intlship international shipping
inttech intermittent-technology
IO input-output coefficient (intensity)
iso three-digit lower-case country ISO code
Jatr Jatropha
kbbl thousand barrels
kbbld thousand barrels per day
kcal kilocalories
kgC kilograms of carbon
kHa kilohectares
km2 square kilometers
km3 cubic kilometers (= billion cubic meters)
kt kilotonnes
ktoe kilotonnes of oil equivalent
kw kilowatt
kwh kilowatt-hours
L1 level1 data / processing-code
L2 level2 data / processing-code
LC land cover
LCi land cover, incomplete in that non-existent combinations are not written out
liq refined liquid fuels
LN land node
loadfactor transportation load factor (pers/veh or tonnes/veh)
Logit logit-exponent
lpjml LPJmL global gridded crop model
LT land type
LTsage SAGE land type
LV Land Value
m transportation mode
m2 square meters
m3 cubic meters
max indicates a maximum value
Mcal megacalories
meat animal-based food commodities
MER market exchange rates
Mgd managed
mi model interface
mil million
Mill milling (forest product processing)
min indicates a minimum value
MJ megajoules
Mm3 million cubic meters
most most (to the greatest extent)
MSW municipal solid waste
Mt megatonnes (= teragrams)
mult multiplier
N nitrogen
names column names
NEcost non-energy cost
neg negative values only (positive values set to 0)
NetExp net exports (positive values = net exporter, negative values = net importer)
NH3 anhydrous ammonia
nonenergy_Cseq carbon sequestration through non-energy use
nonexist that do not exist
nonfood agricultural commodity demands other than for food, animal feed, or bioenergy
nonmotor non-motorized, as a transportation mode (i.e., walking and cycling)
nonspec non-specified
noresm NorESM general circulation model
num numerical (i.e. not prefixed by "X")
OM operations and maintenance
OMfixed fixed O&M costs
OMvar variable O&M costs
OtherUses Other uses of ag commodities; includes processing losses, energy/industrial uses, seed, waste, stock changes, and other uses.
out output
ownuse own use of energy, generally electricity
P price
passthru pass-through sector or technology
Past pasture
pc per-capita
Pcal petacalories
pcGDP per-capita GDP
peak at peak biomass
Pg petagrams
PJ petajoules
pkm passenger kilometers
pol polar (refers to polar AEZs)
pop population
popl poplar
pos positive values only (negative values set to 0)
PPP purchasing power parity
prelim preliminary estimate, to be revised later
primary primary energy
Prod production
product product in IEA energy balances; similar to a fuel
Protect protected lands (lands removed from economic land competition)
R by GCAM region
rate annual rate of change
ratio ratio from a specified year
RCP representative concentration pathway
ref reference scenario
refining refining
reg region
renew renewable
RenewRsrc renewable resource
rep repeated by…
res residential sector
resbio residue biomass
retire retirement parameters
RFO residual fuel oil
RG3 region from GCAM 3.0
roofPV rooftop photovoltaic
Rsrc resource
rsrc resource
S by system (mixed, pastoral)
S by sector
Scen scenario
Sepa EPA sectors
serv service, generally for the buildings sector
shell building shell
Shrub Shrubland
shrwt share-weight
Si by intermediate sector
SmthRenewRsrc smooth renewable resource
SSP shared socioeconomic pathway
state by state in the USA
StubTech stub-technology
SubRsrc subresource
subs subsector
supp supplysector
Supply domestic supply (= total consumption = production - net exports)
swgr switchgrass
sz vehicle size class
t tonnes
t technology
tech technology
Tg teragrams
tha tonnes per hectare
thous thousand
tkm tonne kilometers
TOT total
TPES total primary energy supply (= total consumption = production - net exports)
tradbio traditional biomass
trn transportation sector
trop tropical (refers to tropical AEZs)
U uranium
UCD UC Davis (developers of GCAM 4.0 transportation database)
unconv_oil unconventional oil
UnlimitRsrc unlimited resource
UnMgd unmanaged
unoil unconventional oil
USD US dollars (generally indicated by a dollar year)
V value
value land value
Veg vegetation
vkm vehicle kilometers
VOTT value of time in transit
wind wind energy
Y year
yearcols year columns
Yfut future years
Yh historical years
Yield yield (generally on a harvested area basis, but may be on an economic basis)
Ynsy Year (non-specified years)
Yr year
Ysy Year (specified years)
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