✨🎆🎉 Important points about this Repository!!!!! 🎉🎆✨
- This Repository contains the code of RSA Encryption which is a topic in Cryptography.
- RSA is a widely adopted encryption technique!
- Code of RSA Encryption Technique will be present in the corresponding folder with the langauge name in the Repository!
- It is developed by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, & Leonard Adleman in 1977.
- Initials of the surnames of each of the developers of the RSA algorithm were used for the name of the algorithm!
- It is an asymmetric algorithm as 2 keys (public & private) are used in this algorithm!
- It is a Block Cipher Algorithm.
- Plain Text & Cipher Text are Integers between 0 & (n - 1) for some value of n(calculated in the algorithm).