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Remove era type parameter from MemoBytes type
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teodanciu committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 2c6a3ee commit aa2624e
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Showing 22 changed files with 432 additions and 318 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions eras/allegra/impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,14 @@


* Add `Era era` constraint to `NoThunks` instance for `TimeLock`
* Remove `Era era` constraint from:
* `getRequireSignatureTimelock`
* `getRequireAllOfTimelock`
* `getRequireAnyOfTimelock`
* `getRequireMOfTimelock`
* `getTimeStartTimelock`
* `getTimeExpireTimelock`
* Add `MemPack` instance for `Timelock`
* Remove deprecated `AuxiliaryData` type synonym
* Deprecate `Allegra` type synonym
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64 changes: 35 additions & 29 deletions eras/allegra/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Allegra/Scripts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,10 +73,12 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Coders (
import Cardano.Ledger.Core
import Cardano.Ledger.MemoBytes (
EqRaw (..),
MemoBytes (Memo),
Memoized (..),
Expand All @@ -87,14 +90,13 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Scripts (
pattern RequireMOf,
pattern RequireSignature,
import Data.MemPack

import Cardano.Slotting.Slot (SlotNo (..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.ByteString.Short (fromShort)
import Data.MemPack
import Data.Sequence.Strict as Seq (StrictSeq (Empty, (:<|)))
import qualified Data.Sequence.Strict as SSeq
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, member)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,24 +210,28 @@ instance Era era => DecCBOR (Annotator (TimelockRaw era)) where
-- They rely on memoBytes, and TimelockRaw to memoize each constructor of Timelock
-- =================================================================

newtype Timelock era = TimelockConstr (MemoBytes TimelockRaw era)
newtype Timelock era = TimelockConstr (MemoBytes (TimelockRaw era))
deriving (Eq, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToCBOR, NoThunks, NFData, SafeToHash, MemPack)
deriving newtype (ToCBOR, NFData, SafeToHash)

instance Era era => MemPack (Timelock era) where
packedByteCount (TimelockConstr mb) = mbpackedByteCount mb
packM (TimelockConstr mb) = mbpackM mb
unpackM = TimelockConstr <$> mbunpackM (eraProtVerLow @era)

instance Era era => NoThunks (Timelock era)
instance Era era => EncCBOR (Timelock era)

instance Memoized Timelock where
type RawType Timelock = TimelockRaw
instance Memoized (Timelock era) where
type RawType (Timelock era) = TimelockRaw era

deriving instance Show (Timelock era)

instance EqRaw (Timelock era) where
eqRaw = eqTimelockRaw

deriving via
Mem TimelockRaw era
Era era => DecCBOR (Annotator (Timelock era))
instance Era era => DecCBOR (Annotator (Timelock era)) where
decCBOR = fmap TimelockConstr <$> decCBOR

-- | Since Timelock scripts are a strictly backwards compatible extension of
-- MultiSig scripts, we can use the same 'scriptPrefixTag' tag here as we did
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,39 +292,39 @@ pattern RequireTimeStart mslot <- (getTimeStart -> Just mslot)
, RequireTimeStart

mkRequireSignatureTimelock :: Era era => KeyHash 'Witness -> Timelock era
mkRequireSignatureTimelock = mkMemoized . Signature
getRequireSignatureTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe (KeyHash 'Witness)
mkRequireSignatureTimelock :: forall era. Era era => KeyHash 'Witness -> Timelock era
mkRequireSignatureTimelock = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . Signature
getRequireSignatureTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe (KeyHash 'Witness)
getRequireSignatureTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (Signature kh) _)) = Just kh
getRequireSignatureTimelock _ = Nothing

mkRequireAllOfTimelock :: Era era => StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireAllOfTimelock = mkMemoized . AllOf
getRequireAllOfTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe (StrictSeq (Timelock era))
mkRequireAllOfTimelock :: forall era. Era era => StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireAllOfTimelock = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . AllOf
getRequireAllOfTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe (StrictSeq (Timelock era))
getRequireAllOfTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (AllOf ms) _)) = Just ms
getRequireAllOfTimelock _ = Nothing

mkRequireAnyOfTimelock :: Era era => StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireAnyOfTimelock = mkMemoized . AnyOf
getRequireAnyOfTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe (StrictSeq (Timelock era))
mkRequireAnyOfTimelock :: forall era. Era era => StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireAnyOfTimelock = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . AnyOf
getRequireAnyOfTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe (StrictSeq (Timelock era))
getRequireAnyOfTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (AnyOf ms) _)) = Just ms
getRequireAnyOfTimelock _ = Nothing

mkRequireMOfTimelock :: Era era => Int -> StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireMOfTimelock n = mkMemoized . MOfN n
getRequireMOfTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe (Int, (StrictSeq (Timelock era)))
mkRequireMOfTimelock :: forall era. Era era => Int -> StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> Timelock era
mkRequireMOfTimelock n = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . MOfN n
getRequireMOfTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe (Int, StrictSeq (Timelock era))
getRequireMOfTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (MOfN n ms) _)) = Just (n, ms)
getRequireMOfTimelock _ = Nothing

mkTimeStartTimelock :: Era era => SlotNo -> Timelock era
mkTimeStartTimelock = mkMemoized . TimeStart
getTimeStartTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe SlotNo
mkTimeStartTimelock :: forall era. Era era => SlotNo -> Timelock era
mkTimeStartTimelock = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . TimeStart
getTimeStartTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe SlotNo
getTimeStartTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (TimeStart mslot) _)) = Just mslot
getTimeStartTimelock _ = Nothing

mkTimeExpireTimelock :: Era era => SlotNo -> Timelock era
mkTimeExpireTimelock = mkMemoized . TimeExpire
getTimeExpireTimelock :: Era era => Timelock era -> Maybe SlotNo
mkTimeExpireTimelock :: forall era. Era era => SlotNo -> Timelock era
mkTimeExpireTimelock = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) . TimeExpire
getTimeExpireTimelock :: Timelock era -> Maybe SlotNo
getTimeExpireTimelock (TimelockConstr (Memo (TimeExpire mslot) _)) = Just mslot
getTimeExpireTimelock _ = Nothing

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25 changes: 16 additions & 9 deletions eras/allegra/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Allegra/TxAuxData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,32 +98,36 @@ instance EraTxAuxData AllegraEra where

validateTxAuxData _ (AllegraTxAuxData md as) = as `deepseq` all validMetadatum md

metadataAllegraTxAuxDataL :: Era era => Lens' (AllegraTxAuxData era) (Map Word64 Metadatum)
metadataAllegraTxAuxDataL ::
forall era. Era era => Lens' (AllegraTxAuxData era) (Map Word64 Metadatum)
metadataAllegraTxAuxDataL =
lensMemoRawType atadrMetadata $ \txAuxDataRaw md -> txAuxDataRaw {atadrMetadata = md}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @era) atadrMetadata $
\txAuxDataRaw md -> txAuxDataRaw {atadrMetadata = md}

instance AllegraEraTxAuxData AllegraEra where
timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL = timelockScriptsAllegraTxAuxDataL

timelockScriptsAllegraTxAuxDataL ::
forall era.
Era era => Lens' (AllegraTxAuxData era) (StrictSeq (Timelock era))
timelockScriptsAllegraTxAuxDataL =
lensMemoRawType atadrTimelock $ \txAuxDataRaw ts -> txAuxDataRaw {atadrTimelock = ts}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @era) atadrTimelock $
\txAuxDataRaw ts -> txAuxDataRaw {atadrTimelock = ts}

deriving instance Show (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)

deriving instance Era era => NoThunks (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)

instance NFData (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)

newtype AllegraTxAuxData era = AuxiliaryDataWithBytes (MemoBytes AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)
newtype AllegraTxAuxData era = AuxiliaryDataWithBytes (MemoBytes (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era))
deriving (Generic)
deriving newtype (Eq, ToCBOR, SafeToHash)

instance Memoized AllegraTxAuxData where
type RawType AllegraTxAuxData = AllegraTxAuxDataRaw
instance Memoized (AllegraTxAuxData era) where
type RawType (AllegraTxAuxData era) = AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era

type instance MemoHashIndex AllegraTxAuxDataRaw = EraIndependentTxAuxData
type instance MemoHashIndex (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era) = EraIndependentTxAuxData

instance HashAnnotated (AllegraTxAuxData era) EraIndependentTxAuxData where
hashAnnotated = getMemoSafeHash
Expand All @@ -135,13 +141,14 @@ deriving newtype instance NFData (AllegraTxAuxData era)
instance EqRaw (AllegraTxAuxData era)

pattern AllegraTxAuxData ::
forall era.
Era era =>
Map Word64 Metadatum ->
StrictSeq (Timelock era) ->
AllegraTxAuxData era
pattern AllegraTxAuxData blob sp <- (getMemoRawType -> AllegraTxAuxDataRaw blob sp)
AllegraTxAuxData blob sp = mkMemoized $ AllegraTxAuxDataRaw blob sp
AllegraTxAuxData blob sp = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) $ AllegraTxAuxDataRaw blob sp

{-# COMPLETE AllegraTxAuxData #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,6 +188,6 @@ instance Era era => DecCBOR (Annotator (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)) where

deriving via
(Mem AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era)
(Mem (AllegraTxAuxDataRaw era))
Era era => DecCBOR (Annotator (AllegraTxAuxData era))
36 changes: 21 additions & 15 deletions eras/allegra/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Allegra/TxBody/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ emptyAllegraTxBodyRaw =
-- ===========================================================================
-- Wrap it all up in a newtype, hiding the insides with a pattern construtor.

newtype AllegraTxBody e = TxBodyConstr (MemoBytes (AllegraTxBodyRaw ()) e)
newtype AllegraTxBody e = TxBodyConstr (MemoBytes (AllegraTxBodyRaw () e))
deriving newtype (SafeToHash, ToCBOR)

instance Memoized AllegraTxBody where
type RawType AllegraTxBody = AllegraTxBodyRaw ()
instance Memoized (AllegraTxBody era) where
type RawType (AllegraTxBody era) = AllegraTxBodyRaw () era

deriving instance
(Era era, Eq (PParamsUpdate era), Eq (TxOut era), Eq (TxCert era)) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,17 +241,18 @@ deriving newtype instance
instance Era era => EncCBOR (AllegraTxBody era)

deriving via
Mem (AllegraTxBodyRaw ()) era
Mem (AllegraTxBodyRaw () era)
AllegraEraTxBody era => DecCBOR (Annotator (AllegraTxBody era))

type instance MemoHashIndex (AllegraTxBodyRaw c) = EraIndependentTxBody
type instance MemoHashIndex (AllegraTxBodyRaw c era) = EraIndependentTxBody

instance Era era => HashAnnotated (AllegraTxBody era) EraIndependentTxBody where
hashAnnotated = getMemoSafeHash

-- | A pattern to keep the newtype and the MemoBytes hidden
pattern AllegraTxBody ::
forall era.
(EraTxOut era, EraTxCert era) =>
Set TxIn ->
StrictSeq (TxOut era) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ pattern AllegraTxBody
auxDataHash =
mkMemoized $
mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @era) $
{ atbrInputs = inputs
, atbrOutputs = outputs
Expand All @@ -312,22 +313,25 @@ pattern AllegraTxBody
instance EraTxBody AllegraEra where
type TxBody AllegraEra = AllegraTxBody AllegraEra

mkBasicTxBody = mkMemoized emptyAllegraTxBodyRaw
mkBasicTxBody = mkMemoized (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) emptyAllegraTxBodyRaw

inputsTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrInputs $ \txBodyRaw inputs -> txBodyRaw {atbrInputs = inputs}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrInputs $
\txBodyRaw inputs -> txBodyRaw {atbrInputs = inputs}
{-# INLINEABLE inputsTxBodyL #-}

outputsTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrOutputs $ \txBodyRaw outputs -> txBodyRaw {atbrOutputs = outputs}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrOutputs $
\txBodyRaw outputs -> txBodyRaw {atbrOutputs = outputs}
{-# INLINEABLE outputsTxBodyL #-}

feeTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrTxFee $ \txBodyRaw fee -> txBodyRaw {atbrTxFee = fee}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrTxFee $
\txBodyRaw fee -> txBodyRaw {atbrTxFee = fee}
{-# INLINEABLE feeTxBodyL #-}

auxDataHashTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrAuxDataHash $
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrAuxDataHash $
\txBodyRaw auxDataHash -> txBodyRaw {atbrAuxDataHash = auxDataHash}
{-# INLINEABLE auxDataHashTxBodyL #-}

Expand All @@ -338,12 +342,13 @@ instance EraTxBody AllegraEra where
{-# INLINEABLE allInputsTxBodyF #-}

withdrawalsTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrWithdrawals $
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrWithdrawals $
\txBodyRaw withdrawals -> txBodyRaw {atbrWithdrawals = withdrawals}
{-# INLINEABLE withdrawalsTxBodyL #-}

certsTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrCerts $ \txBodyRaw certs -> txBodyRaw {atbrCerts = certs}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrCerts $
\txBodyRaw certs -> txBodyRaw {atbrCerts = certs}
{-# INLINEABLE certsTxBodyL #-}

getGenesisKeyHashCountTxBody = getShelleyGenesisKeyHashCountTxBody
Expand All @@ -370,12 +375,13 @@ instance ShelleyEraTxBody AllegraEra where
{-# INLINEABLE ttlTxBodyL #-}

updateTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrUpdate $ \txBodyRaw update -> txBodyRaw {atbrUpdate = update}
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrUpdate $
\txBodyRaw update -> txBodyRaw {atbrUpdate = update}
{-# INLINEABLE updateTxBodyL #-}

instance AllegraEraTxBody AllegraEra where
vldtTxBodyL =
lensMemoRawType atbrValidityInterval $
lensMemoRawType (eraProtVerLow @AllegraEra) atbrValidityInterval $
\txBodyRaw vldt -> txBodyRaw {atbrValidityInterval = vldt}
{-# INLINEABLE vldtTxBodyL #-}

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