Add certificates support in createCompatibleSignedTx
Garnix CI / check ghc966:cardano-api:test:cardano-api-test [x86_64-linux]
Jan 13, 2025 in 4m 13s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
valid & rountrip text chunks: OK (0.16s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
Empty chunks 1% ▏··················· ✓ 1%
Single chunks 25% █████··············· ✓ 5%
Many chunks 74% ██████████████▊····· ✓ 25%
valid & rountrip bytes chunks: OK (0.16s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
Empty chunks 2% ▍··················· ✓ 1%
Single chunks 64% ████████████▊······· ✓ 5%
Many chunks 34% ██████▊············· ✓ 25%
ord distributive TxId: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ord distributive TxIn: OK (0.01s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ord distributive Address: OK (0.29s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ord distributive StakeAddress: OK (0.16s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ord distributive TxMetadata: OK (0.20s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ord distributive ScriptData: OK (1.13s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ProtocolParameter tests
ToJSON instances produce the same
ShelleyEra: OK (0.45s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
AlonzoEra: OK (1.37s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
BabbageEra: OK (0.90s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
ProtocolParameters ToJSON can be read by PParams FromJSON
ShelleyEra: OK (0.23s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
AlonzoEra: OK (0.97s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
BabbageEra: OK (0.46s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
PParams roundtrip
ShelleyEra: OK (0.37s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
AlonzoEra: OK (0.93s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
BabbageEra: OK (0.89s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip shelley address raw: OK (0.14s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip byron address raw: OK (0.14s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip stake address raw: OK (0.12s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip script hash raw: OK (0.01s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification ByronKey hash raw: OK (0.10s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification PaymentKey hash raw: OK (0.10s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification StakeKey hash raw: OK (0.10s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification StakePoolKey hash raw: OK (0.10s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification GenesisKey hash raw: OK (0.09s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification GenesisDelegateKey hash raw: OK (0.09s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification KesKey hash raw: OK (0.93s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification VrfKey hash raw: OK (0.09s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip verification GenesisUTxOKey hash raw: OK (0.06s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance test correct fees when mutli-asset tx: OK (0.59s)
✓ <interactive> passed 1 test.
makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance autobalances multi-asset collateral: OK (0.31s)
✓ <interactive> passed 1 test.
calcReturnAndTotalCollateral constraints hold: OK (52.56s)
✓ <interactive> passed 400 tests.
roundtrip txbodycontent txouts Babbage: OK (5.29s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip txbodycontent txouts Conway: OK (25.47s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip txbodycontent new conway fields: OK (23.35s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip Value JSON: OK (0.11s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip Value flatten unflatten: OK (0.08s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip Value unflatten flatten: OK (0.17s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip AssetName JSON: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
roundtrip AssetName JSONKey: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
All 169 tests passed (67.54s)
buildPhase completed in 1 minutes 8 seconds