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Restructure code to use two different classes
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palas committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent 8c899e3 commit 98c6372
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Showing 3 changed files with 129 additions and 86 deletions.
202 changes: 121 additions & 81 deletions cardano-api/internal/Cardano/Api/Keys/Mnemonics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Cardano.Api.Keys.Mnemonics
, generateMnemonic
, MnemonicToSigningKeyError (..)
, signingKeyFromMnemonic
, signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex
, findMnemonicWordsWithPrefix
, autocompleteMnemonicPrefix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +73,6 @@ generateMnemonic MS21 = liftIO (mnemonicToText @21 . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEn
generateMnemonic MS24 = liftIO (mnemonicToText @24 . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy)

-- | Errors that can occur when converting a mnemonic sentence to a signing key
-- using the 'signingStakeKeyFromMnemonic' function.
data MnemonicToSigningKeyError
= InvalidMnemonicError String
| InvalidAccountNumberError Word32
Expand All @@ -89,115 +89,137 @@ instance Error MnemonicToSigningKeyError where
prettyError (InvalidAccountNumberError accNo) = "Invalid account number: " <> pretty accNo
prettyError (InvalidPaymentKeyNoError keyNo) = "Invalid payment key number: " <> pretty keyNo

class ExtendedSigningKeyRole keyrole where
-- | The type for the payment key number in the derivation path (i.e: 'Word32' if applicable or
-- '()' if not). See 'deriveSigningKeyFromAccount' for more information.
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex keyrole

-- | Key roles that can be derived from a mnemonic sentence and only accept
-- one key per account number.
-- We derive one key per account following the advice in
-- "Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano."
-- We still need to specify a payment key number for payment and stake keys,
-- see 'IndexedSigningKeyFromRootKey' class for those roles (payment and stake keys).
class SigningKeyFromRootKey keyrole where
-- | Derive an extended private key of the keyrole from an account extended private key
:: AsType keyrole
-- ^ Type of the extended signing key to generate.
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-- ^ The account extended private key from which to derivate the private key for the keyrole.
-> EskrPaymentAddrIndex keyrole
-- ^ The payment key number in the derivation path (as 'Word32') if applicable for
-- the given key role, otherwise '()'. First key is 0.
-- As specified by
-- Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano.
-- But we still need to specify a payment key number for payment and stake keys.
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey keyrole)
-> SigningKey keyrole
-- ^ The derived extended signing key or the 'indexType' if it is 'Word32' and it is invalid.

instance ExtendedSigningKeyRole PaymentExtendedKey where
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex PaymentExtendedKey = Word32
-- | Key roles that can be derived from a mnemonic sentence and accept multiple keys
-- per account number. For other key roles (DRep, and committee keys), see 'SigningKeyFromRootKey'.
class IndexedSigningKeyFromRootKey keyrole where
-- | Derive an extended private key of the keyrole from an account extended private key
:: AsType keyrole
-- ^ Type of the extended signing key to generate.
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-- ^ The account extended private key from which to derivate the private key for the keyrole.
-> Word32
-- ^ The payment key number in the derivation path.
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey keyrole)
-- ^ The derived extended signing key or the 'indexType' if it is invalid.

instance IndexedSigningKeyFromRootKey PaymentExtendedKey where
:: AsType PaymentExtendedKey
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-> Word32
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey)
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK idx = do
deriveSigningKeyFromAccountWithPaymentKeyIndex _ accK idx = do
payKeyIx <- maybeToEither idx $ indexFromWord32 @(Index 'Soft 'PaymentK) idx
return $ PaymentExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveAddressPrivateKey accK UTxOExternal payKeyIx

instance ExtendedSigningKeyRole StakeExtendedKey where
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex StakeExtendedKey = Word32
instance IndexedSigningKeyFromRootKey StakeExtendedKey where
:: AsType StakeExtendedKey
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-> Word32
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey StakeExtendedKey)
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK idx = do
deriveSigningKeyFromAccountWithPaymentKeyIndex _ accK idx = do
payKeyIx <- maybeToEither idx $ indexFromWord32 @(Index 'Soft 'PaymentK) idx
return $ StakeExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveAddressPrivateKey accK Stake payKeyIx

instance ExtendedSigningKeyRole DRepExtendedKey where
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex DRepExtendedKey = ()
instance SigningKeyFromRootKey DRepExtendedKey where
:: AsType DRepExtendedKey
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-> ()
-- As specified by
-- Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano.
-- Therefore, we do not need to specify a payment key number for DRep keys.
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey DRepExtendedKey)
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK _ =
return $ DRepExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveDRepPrivateKey accK
-> SigningKey DRepExtendedKey
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK =
DRepExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveDRepPrivateKey accK

instance ExtendedSigningKeyRole CommitteeColdExtendedKey where
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex CommitteeColdExtendedKey = ()
instance SigningKeyFromRootKey CommitteeColdExtendedKey where
:: AsType CommitteeColdExtendedKey
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-> ()
-- As specified by
-- Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano.
-- Therefore, we do not need to specify a payment key number for cold committee keys.
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey CommitteeColdExtendedKey)
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK _ =
return $ CommitteeColdExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveCCColdPrivateKey accK
-> SigningKey CommitteeColdExtendedKey
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK =
CommitteeColdExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveCCColdPrivateKey accK

instance ExtendedSigningKeyRole CommitteeHotExtendedKey where
type EskrPaymentAddrIndex CommitteeHotExtendedKey = ()
instance SigningKeyFromRootKey CommitteeHotExtendedKey where
:: AsType CommitteeHotExtendedKey
-> Shelley 'AccountK XPrv
-> ()
-- As specified by
-- Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano.
-- Therefore, we do not need to specify a payment key number for hot committee keys.
-> Either Word32 (SigningKey CommitteeHotExtendedKey)
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK _ =
return $ CommitteeHotExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveCCHotPrivateKey accK
-> SigningKey CommitteeHotExtendedKey
deriveSigningKeyFromAccount _ accK =
CommitteeHotExtendedSigningKey $ getKey $ deriveCCHotPrivateKey accK

-- | Generate a signing key from a mnemonic sentence given a function that
-- derives a key from an account extended key.
:: (Shelley AccountK XPrv -> Either Word32 (SigningKey keyrole))
-- ^ Function to derive the signing key from the account key.
-> [Text]
-- ^ The mnemonic sentence. The length must be one of 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24.
-- Each element of the list must be a single word.
-> Word32
-- ^ The account number in the derivation path. First account is 0.
-> Either MnemonicToSigningKeyError (SigningKey keyrole)
signingKeyFromMnemonicWithDerivationFunction derivationFunction mnemonicWords accNo = do
-- Convert raw types to the ones used in the cardano-addresses library
someMnemonic <- mapLeft InvalidMnemonicError $ wordsToSomeMnemonic mnemonicWords
accIx <-
maybeToRight (InvalidAccountNumberError accNo) $
indexFromWord32 @(Index 'Hardened 'AccountK) (0x80000000 + accNo)

-- | Generate a signing key from a mnemonic sentence.
-- Derive the rootk key
let rootK = genMasterKeyFromMnemonic someMnemonic mempty :: Shelley 'RootK XPrv
-- Derive the account key
accK = deriveAccountPrivateKey rootK accIx

-- Derive the extended private key
mapLeft InvalidPaymentKeyNoError $ derivationFunction accK
wordsToSomeMnemonic :: [Text] -> Either String SomeMnemonic
wordsToSomeMnemonic = mapLeft getMkSomeMnemonicError . mkSomeMnemonic @[12, 15, 18, 21, 24]

-- | Generate a signing key from a mnemonic sentence for a key role that
-- accepts several payment keys from an account number (extended payment and stake keys).
-- For other key roles (DRep and committee keys), see 'signingKeyFromMnemonic'.
-- A derivation path is like a file path in a file system. It specifies the
-- location of a key in the key tree. The path is a list of indices, one for each
-- level of the tree. The indices are separated by a forward slash (/).
-- In this function we only ask for two indices: the account number and the
-- In this function, we only ask for two indices: the account number and the
-- payment key number. Each account can have multiple payment keys.
-- For more information about address derivation check:
-- For more information about address derivation, check:
-- *
-- *
-- *
:: ExtendedSigningKeyRole keyrole
:: IndexedSigningKeyFromRootKey keyrole
=> AsType keyrole
-- ^ Type of the extended signing key to generate.
-> [Text]
-- ^ The mnemonic sentence. The length must be one of 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24.
-- Each element of the list must be a single word.
-> Word32
-- ^ The account number in the derivation path. First account is 0.
-> EskrPaymentAddrIndex keyrole
-- ^ The payment key number in the derivation path (as 'Word32') if applicable for
-- the given key role, otherwise '()'. First key is 0.
-- ^ The account number in the derivation path. The first account is 0.
-> Word32
-- ^ The payment key number in the derivation path.
-- Consider that wallets following the BIP-44 standard only check 20 addresses
-- without transactions before giving up. For example, if you have a fresh wallet
Expand All @@ -209,26 +231,44 @@ signingKeyFromMnemonic
-- and 29. The gap limit can be customized on some wallets, but increasing it
-- reduces synchronization performance.
-> Either MnemonicToSigningKeyError (SigningKey keyrole)
signingKeyFromMnemonic role mnemonicWords accNo payKeyNo = do
-- Convert raw types to the ones used in the cardano-addresses library
someMnemonic <- mapLeft InvalidMnemonicError $ wordsToSomeMnemonic mnemonicWords
accIx <-
maybeToRight (InvalidAccountNumberError accNo) $
indexFromWord32 @(Index 'Hardened 'AccountK) (0x80000000 + accNo)
signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex keyRole mnemonicWords accNo payKeyNo = do
(\accK -> deriveSigningKeyFromAccountWithPaymentKeyIndex keyRole accK payKeyNo)

-- Derive the rootk key
let rootK = genMasterKeyFromMnemonic someMnemonic mempty :: Shelley 'RootK XPrv
-- Derive the account key
accK = deriveAccountPrivateKey rootK accIx

-- Derive the extended private key
mapLeft InvalidPaymentKeyNoError $ deriveSigningKeyFromAccount role accK payKeyNo
-- Convert the ByteString to a SigningKey

-- Convert the mnemonic sentence to a SomeMnemonic value
wordsToSomeMnemonic :: [Text] -> Either String SomeMnemonic
wordsToSomeMnemonic = mapLeft getMkSomeMnemonicError . mkSomeMnemonic @[12, 15, 18, 21, 24]
-- | Generate a signing key from a mnemonic sentence for a key role that
-- accepts only one payment key from an account number (DRep and committee keys).
-- For other key roles (extended payment and stake keys), see 'signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex'.
-- We derive one key per account following the advice in
-- "Since it is best practice to use a single cryptographic key for a single purpose,
-- we opt to keep DRep and committee keys separate from other keys in Cardano."
-- A derivation path is like a file path in a file system. It specifies the
-- location of a key in the key tree. The path is a list of indices, one for each
-- level of the tree. The indices are separated by a forward slash (/).
-- In this function we only ask for one index: the account number.
-- For more information about address derivation check:
-- *
-- *
-- *
:: SigningKeyFromRootKey keyrole
=> AsType keyrole
-- ^ Type of the extended signing key to generate.
-> [Text]
-- ^ The mnemonic sentence. The length must be one of 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24.
-- Each element of the list must be a single word.
-> Word32
-- ^ The account number in the derivation path. First account is 0.
-> Either MnemonicToSigningKeyError (SigningKey keyrole)
signingKeyFromMnemonic keyRole mnemonicWords accNo = do
(return . deriveSigningKeyFromAccount keyRole)

-- | Obtain the list of all mnemonic words that start with the given prefix and their index in the dictionary.
-- For example:
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ module Cardano.Api
-- ** Key derivation from mnemonics
, MnemonicToSigningKeyError (..)
, signingKeyFromMnemonic
, signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex

-- ** Mnemonic word queries
, findMnemonicWordsWithPrefix
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions cardano-api/test/cardano-api-test/Test/Cardano/Api/Address.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ prop_derive_key_from_mnemonic :: Property
prop_derive_key_from_mnemonic = $ do
ms <- H.forAll $ H.element [MS12, MS15, MS18, MS21, MS24]
mnemonic <- liftIO $ generateMnemonic ms
void $ H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonic AsStakeExtendedKey mnemonic 0 (0 :: Word32)
void $
H.evalEither $
signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex AsStakeExtendedKey mnemonic 0 (0 :: Word32)

exampleMnemonic :: [Text]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ prop_mnemonic_autocomplete_query = H.propertyOnce $ do
prop_payment_derivation_is_accurate :: Property
prop_payment_derivation_is_accurate = H.propertyOnce $ do
signingKey <-
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonic AsPaymentExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex AsPaymentExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
let verificationKey =
getVerificationKey (signingKey :: SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey)
:: VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey
Expand All @@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ prop_payment_derivation_is_accurate = H.propertyOnce $ do
prop_stake_derivation_is_accurate :: Property
prop_stake_derivation_is_accurate = H.propertyOnce $ do
signingKey <-
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonic AsStakeExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex AsStakeExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
let verificationKey =
getVerificationKey (signingKey :: SigningKey StakeExtendedKey) :: VerificationKey StakeExtendedKey
addr =
Expand All @@ -130,9 +132,9 @@ prop_stake_derivation_is_accurate = H.propertyOnce $ do
prop_payment_with_stake_derivation_is_accurate :: Property
prop_payment_with_stake_derivation_is_accurate = H.propertyOnce $ do
paymentSigningKey <-
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonic AsPaymentExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex AsPaymentExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
stakeSigningKey <-
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonic AsStakeExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
H.evalEither $ signingKeyFromMnemonicWithPaymentKeyIndex AsStakeExtendedKey exampleMnemonic 0 0
let paymentVerificationKey =
getVerificationKey (paymentSigningKey :: SigningKey PaymentExtendedKey)
:: VerificationKey PaymentExtendedKey
Expand Down

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