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IA Factory (previously TDM Factory)

This project is a web application to have an easy access to It is a full-stack application containing an Express.js backend and a React.js frontend, dockerized using a single Dockerfile for easier deployment and containerization.


This application is composed of three parts:

  • Backend: Built using Express, it provides API endpoints and handles server-side operations.
  • Frontend: Developed in React, it offers a user interface to interact with the backend services.
  • Backoffice: Developed in React, it offers a simple way to handle the application configuration

Each part is encapsulated within a Docker container using a single Dockerfile for streamlined deployment.


Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the application:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd tdm-factory

Building the Docker Image

Build the Docker image using the provided Dockerfile:

docker build . -t tdm:v1.0.0 --no-cache

Publishing a new version

To create a new version of IA Factory, create a new GitHub release with an associated tags. This will run the ci and push an image into Docker Hub.


To run the application in a Docker container:

docker run -p 3000:3000 tdm:v1.0.0

The frontend will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/, the swagger configuration at http://localhost:3000/swagger-config and the back-office at http://localhost:3000/admin.

Development mode

You also need a ngrok host for the external host in tdm-be/config/development.json, to create a ngrok endpoints run ngrok http 3000.


Don't copy the whole URL for but only the part after https:// (ex:

After setting up this you can run make run-dev

You can run the whole application in dev mode using make run-dev.


The tdm-be/dynamic-config.json file is created for tdm-be/src/model/defaultDynamicConfig.json only if it does not already exist.
Quitting the application in dev mode will not delete this file.
This can lead to weird behavior when this old file is not deleted.

Services address

When you start the dev mode, you will be able to access those links:

  • http://localhost:3000 - Backend part
  • http://localhost:5173 - Frontend part
  • http://localhost:5174 - Backoffice part
  • http://localhost:1080 - Mail service (use to test the mail sending functionality)