ESP32 firmware that speaks Lovense BLE protocol to broadcast commands for MuSE/LoveSpouse toys.
You bought a cheap vibrating toy from China that claims App support but you find out you can not control it via and want to make that work.
- ESP32 or ESP32-S3 development board
- USB cable
- Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser
- Go to
- Plug in your ESP32 board
- Press the [connect] button and follow the instructions
- Place the ESP32 near the toy and power it on
- Connect to bluetooth device named "LVS-Gateway" on your preferred control device
Q: Does this support ?
A: Yes, just connect a Lovense device via bluetooth.
Q: Does this support
A: Probably yes (untested).
Q: Do you recommend buying MuSE/Lovespouse devices ?
A: No, see for an overview.
Q: But what if I want a cheap one ?
A: No, see this brand of cheap toys on with way better BLE connectivity.
Q: Can I control more than one device at the same time ?
A: Yes, all MuSE/Lovespouse devices near the ESP32 will receive the same commands.
Q: How do I now if this is working ?
A: If it vibrates, it's working. There is no other way to tell because of the non-standard way the toys use bluetooth.
title: "LVS-Gateway connectivity overview"
flowchart LR
259657(("")) <==>|"Lovense BLE"| 474684[["LVS-Gateway"]]
linkStyle 0 stroke:#0000ff,fill:none
866602(("")) <==>|"Lovense BLE"| 474684
linkStyle 1 stroke:#0101ff,fill:none
474684 -.->|"BLE (broadcast only) π"| 396938{"LoveSpouse\ncompatible\ntoy"}
linkStyle 2 stroke:#009aff,fill:none
474684 -.->|"BLE (broadcast only) π"| 633666{"MuSE compatible\ntoy"}
linkStyle 3 stroke:#009aff,fill:none