Machine Learning work on various aspects of the project.
Create a python 3.8 environment and activate it
$ python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual environment
$ source /path/to/new/virtual environment/bin/activate
Install the requirements and you're good to go!
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To exit the environment just run
$ deactivate
To generate documentation simply run the following commands with the server on:
$ npm install -g @2fd/graphdoc # to install the generator
$ graphdoc -e http://localhost:5000/graphql -o ./doc/schema
To process requests we decided to use a technology named GraphQL using the graphene package for python. With this we can perform fast query answers to this API returning only the data the user requests.
To run, simply run
and access the graphql interface on http://localhost:5600/graphql .
query {
sum_invoices(nif: "...", ...)
- nif -> String, required;
- delta -> String, optional (default "D");
- window_start -> String, optional (default None);
- window_end -> String, optional (default None).
query {
n_invoices_category(nif: "...", ...)
- nif: String, required;
- delta: String, optional (default "M");
- is_count: Boolean, optional (default True);
- category: String, optional (default None);
- window_start -> String, optional (default None);
- window_end -> String, optional (default None).
query {
n_invoices_client(nif: "...", ...)
- nif: String, required;
- delta: String, optional (default "M");
- is_count: Boolean, optional (default True);
- client_nif: String, optional (default None);
- window_start -> String, optional (default None);
- window_end -> String, optional (default None).
query {
predict_future(nif: "...", ...)
- nif: String, required;
- time: Int, required;
- delta: String, optional (default "M");
- method: String, "simple" or "advanced" (default "simple").
query {
categorize_invoices(overwrite: true, invoices: "...")
- invoices: JSONString, required.
- overwrite: Boolean, optional (default False).
Example for the invoices field (must be converted to a string before sending):
"list": [
"company_seller_name":"Razoes para Adultos",
"doc_emission_date": "2020-12-22"
The model has an expiration date of 15 days before needing to be trained again on the whole data of the user. If this happens during a request, it might take between 5 to 15 seconds to finish (depending on the machine). After trained, it is stored inside a local BD running on this docker service.
For more info head over to the more technical documentation here.
Delta explained
M -> monthly data
Q -> quarterly data
Y -> yearly data
2BQS -> biannual data