Couldn't find any Rally driver jobs on the internet so I made this last night. Please report any bugs so I can fix them asap. Contact via
- Same ulgy markers for each and every thing
- Ugly blips
- Paychecks according to lap-time. Paycheck tiers: Gold (track record), Silver, Bronze and failure.
- Laptimes are dictated by the current lap record. Getting a good paychecks gets harder and harder as time goes by. You can edit the multipliers for silver and bronze in config.lua.
- Name of the track record holder is displayed when player enters a new race. With 30 seconds of intense thinking and 65 IQ I couldn't find a way to get player's RP name without SQL. Due to this fact Steam name is displayed. If you are willing to fuck your server in the ass, feel free to add that extra SQL lookup.
- ES & ESX
- MySQL Async
- Realistic Driving V handling.
Otherwise the cars are plain undriveable and I highly doubt you have done better job at modifying the handling than this guy. - Somekind of a vehicle damage script/mod to reduce yolo-factor.
NOTE: The sql table stores the track number! Some of you guys probably want to change this.
How to install:
If you don't know how to install this you probably shouldn't be hosting a server anyways. The server list is already full of pasta servers.