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chore: golf a bit (#212)
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* chore: golf

* add `create-release` workflow

* Revert "add `create-release` workflow"

This reverts commit c8a4088.

* Update Reductions.lean

Co-Authored-By: Yaël Dillies <[email protected]>

* Update Reductions.lean

Co-Authored-By: Yaël Dillies <[email protected]>

* Update Reductions.lean

Co-Authored-By: Yaël Dillies <[email protected]>

* Update FLT/Basic/Reductions.lean

Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <[email protected]>

* Update Reductions.lean


Co-authored-by: Yaël Dillies <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 7f9ccb8 commit 845664c
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Showing 6 changed files with 29 additions and 45 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions FLT/AutomorphicRepresentation/Example.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,7 @@ lemma _root_.Nat.sum_factorial_lt_factorial_succ {j : ℕ} (hj : 1 < j) :
∑ i ∈ range (j + 1), i ! < ∑ _i ∈ range (j + 1), j ! := ?_
_ = (j + 1) * (j !) := by rw [sum_const, card_range, smul_eq_mul]
_ = (j + 1)! := Nat.factorial_succ _
apply sum_lt_sum
apply (fun i hi => factorial_le <| by simpa only [mem_range, lt_succ] using hi)
apply sum_lt_sum (fun i hi => factorial_le <| by simpa only [mem_range, lt_succ] using hi) ?_
use 0
rw [factorial_zero]
simp [hj]
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22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions FLT/Basic/Reductions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,17 +254,10 @@ lemma FreyCurve.j (P : FreyPackage) :
rw [mul_div_right_comm, EllipticCurve.j, FreyCurve.Δ'inv, FreyCurve.c₄']

private lemma j_pos_aux (a b : ℤ) (hb : b ≠ 0) : 0 < (a + b) ^ 2 - a * b := by
cases le_or_lt 0 (a * b) with
| inl h =>
0 < a * a + a * b + b * b := ?_
_ = _ := by ring
apply add_pos_of_nonneg_of_pos
apply add_nonneg (mul_self_nonneg _) h
apply mul_self_pos.mpr hb
| inr h =>
rw [sub_pos]
exact h.trans_le (sq_nonneg _)
(0 : ℝ) < (a ^ 2 + (a + b) ^ 2 + b ^ 2) / 2 := by positivity
_ = (a + b) ^ 2 - a * b := by ring

/-- The q-adic valuation of the j-invariant of the Frey curve is a multiple of p if 2 < q is
a prime of bad reduction. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,13 +337,14 @@ It follows that there is no Frey package.
work of Mazur and Wiles/Ribet to rule out all possibilities for the
$p$-torsion in the corresponding Frey curve. -/
theorem FreyPackage.false (P : FreyPackage) : False := by
-- by Wiles' result, the p-torsion is not irreducible
apply Wiles_Frey P
-- but by Mazur's result, the p-torsion is irreducible!
exact Mazur_Frey P
-- Contradiction!

-- Fermat's Last Theorem is true
theorem Wiles_Taylor_Wiles : FermatLastTheorem := by
apply of_p_ge_5
intro p hp5 pp a b c ha hb _ h
refine Nonempty.elim ?_ FreyPackage.false
refine of_p_ge_5 fun p hp5 pp a b c ha hb _ h ↦ Nonempty.elim ?_ FreyPackage.false
apply FreyPackage.of_not_FermatLastTheorem_p_ge_5 (a := a) (b := b) (c := c)
<;> assumption_mod_cast
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions FLT/ForMathlib/MiscLemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Projective
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Monoid
import Mathlib.RingTheory.OreLocalization.Ring
import Mathlib

section elsewhere

variable {A : Type*} [AddCommGroup A]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,9 +52,7 @@ theorem coinduced_prod_eq_prod_coinduced {X Y S T : Type*} [AddCommGroup X] [Add
· intro h x y hxy
rw [Set.mem_preimage, Prod.map_apply] at hxy
obtain ⟨U1, U2, hU1, hU2, hx1, hy2, h12⟩ := h (f x) (g y) hxy
use f ⁻¹' U1, g ⁻¹' U2, hU1, hU2, hx1, hy2
intro ⟨x', y'⟩ ⟨hx', hy'⟩
exact h12 ⟨hx', hy'⟩
exact ⟨f ⁻¹' U1, g ⁻¹' U2, hU1, hU2, hx1, hy2, fun ⟨x', y'⟩ ⟨hx', hy'⟩ ↦ h12 ⟨hx', hy'⟩⟩

end elsewhere

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ theorem finsum_option {ι : Type*} {B : Type*} [Finite ι]
rw [← finsum_mem_univ]
convert finsum_mem_insert φ (show none ∉ Set.range Option.some by aesop)
(Set.finite_range some)
· aesop
· exact (Set.insert_none_range_some ι).symm
· rw [finsum_mem_range]
exact Option.some_injective ι

Expand All @@ -126,8 +122,8 @@ def LinearEquiv.sumPiEquivProdPi (S T : Type*) (A : S ⊕ T → Type*)
[∀ st, AddCommMonoid (A st)] [∀ st, Module R (A st)] :
(∀ (st : S ⊕ T), A st) ≃ₗ[R] (∀ (s : S), A (.inl s)) × (∀ (t : T), A (.inr t)) where
toFun f := (fun s ↦ f (.inl s), fun t ↦ f (.inr t))
map_add' f g := by aesop
map_smul' := by aesop
map_add' f g := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl
invFun fg st := Sum.rec (fun s => fg.1 s) (fun t => fg.2 t) st
left_inv := by intro x; aesop
right_inv := by intro x; aesop
Expand All @@ -152,8 +148,8 @@ def Homeomorph.sumPiEquivProdPi (S T : Type*) (A : S ⊕ T → Type*)
def Homeomorph.pUnitPiEquiv (f : PUnit → Type*) [∀ x, TopologicalSpace (f x)]: ((t : PUnit) → (f t)) ≃ₜ f () where
toFun a := a ()
invFun a _t := a
left_inv x := by aesop
right_inv x := by aesop
left_inv x := rfl
right_inv x := rfl
continuous_toFun := by simp; fun_prop
continuous_invFun := by simp; fun_prop

Expand All @@ -163,10 +159,10 @@ def LinearEquiv.pUnitPiEquiv (f : PUnit → Type*) [∀ x, AddCommMonoid (f x)]
((t : PUnit) → (f t)) ≃ₗ[R] f () where
toFun a := a ()
invFun a _t := a
left_inv x := by aesop
right_inv x := by aesop
map_add' f g := rfl
map_smul' r f := rfl
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := rfl
map_add' _ _ := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl

-- elsewhere
theorem finsum_apply {α ι N : Type*} [AddCommMonoid N] [Finite ι]
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions FLT/GlobalLanglandsConjectures/GLnDefs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ theorem diamond_fix :
conv_lhs => rw [← @bracketBilin_apply_apply R _ _ _ _]
rw [← @bracketBilin_apply_apply R _ _ _ (_) (.ofAssociativeAlgebra) _ _ (_) (_) x y]
exact @lieAlgebraSelfModule _ _ _ (_) (_)
exact @lieAlgebraSelfModule ..
refine LinearMap.congr_fun₂ ?_ x y
ext xa xb ya yb
change @Bracket.bracket _ _ (_) (xa ⊗ₜ[R] xb) (ya ⊗ₜ[R] yb) = _
change @Bracket.bracket _ _ _ (xa ⊗ₜ[R] xb) (ya ⊗ₜ[R] yb) = _
dsimp [Ring.lie_def]
rw [TensorProduct.tmul_sub, mul_comm]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ variable (G : Type) [TopologicalSpace G] [Group G]
def action :
LeftInvariantDerivation 𝓘(ℝ, E) G →ₗ⁅ℝ⁆ (Module.End ℝ C^∞⟮𝓘(ℝ, E), G; ℝ⟯) where
toFun l := Derivation.toLinearMap l
map_add' := by simp
map_smul' := by simp
map_lie' {x y} := rfl
map_add' _ _ := rfl
map_smul' _ _ := rfl
map_lie' {_ _} := rfl

open scoped TensorProduct

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ noncomputable def preweight.fdRep (n : ℕ) (w : preweight n) :
ρ := {
toFun := fun A ↦ {
toFun := fun x ↦ (w.rho A).1 *ᵥ x
map_add' := fun _ _ ↦ Matrix.mulVec_add _ _ _
map_smul' := fun _ _ ↦ by simpa using Matrix.mulVec_smul _ _ _ }
map_add' := fun _ _ ↦ Matrix.mulVec_add ..
map_smul' := fun _ _ ↦ by simpa using Matrix.mulVec_smul .. }
map_one' := by aesop
map_mul' := fun _ _ ↦ by
simp only [obj_carrier, MonCat.mul_of, _root_.map_mul, Units.val_mul, ← Matrix.mulVec_mulVec]
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions FLT/HIMExperiments/flatness.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ noncomputable def _root_.Ideal.isoBaseOfIsPrincipal {I : Ideal R} [IsDomain R]
rw [LinearMap.mem_ker] at h
apply (AddSubmonoid.mk_eq_zero _).mp at h
rw [Ideal.mem_bot]
refine eq_zero_of_ne_zero_of_mul_right_eq_zero ?_ h
refine mt (fun h3 ↦ ?_) hI
refine eq_zero_of_ne_zero_of_mul_right_eq_zero (mt (fun h3 ↦ ?_) hI) h
rwa [Submodule.IsPrincipal.eq_bot_iff_generator_eq_zero I])
rintro ⟨i, hi⟩
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions FLT/MathlibExperiments/IsFrobenius.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,12 +110,8 @@ lemma IsMaximal_not_eq_bot [NumberField K] (Q : Ideal (𝓞 K)) [Ideal.IsMaximal
Ring.ne_bot_of_isMaximal_of_not_isField inferInstance (RingOfIntegers.not_isField K)

lemma NumberField_Ideal_IsPrime_iff_IsMaximal [NumberField K]
(Q : Ideal (𝓞 K)) (h1: Q ≠ ⊥) : Ideal.IsPrime Q ↔ Ideal.IsMaximal Q := by
· intro h
exact Ideal.IsPrime.isMaximal h h1
· intro h
exact Ideal.IsMaximal.isPrime h
(Q : Ideal (𝓞 K)) (h1: Q ≠ ⊥) : Ideal.IsPrime Q ↔ Ideal.IsMaximal Q :=
fun h => Ideal.IsPrime.isMaximal h h1, fun h => Ideal.IsMaximal.isPrime h⟩

instance Fintype_Quot_of_IsMaximal [NumberField K] (P : Ideal (𝓞 K)) [Ideal.IsMaximal P] : Fintype ((𝓞 K) ⧸ P) := by
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