The Pan-Cancer cell-cell communication network, data, scripts, results.
Data/accessories_v2.rda -- an R data file with the following objects:
- binMap -- bins to categorize samples by cell type score abundance
- ccs -- the cell-cell scaffold (ccs)
- cellECDFS -- the cell score abundance distributions
- The cell sorted gene expression source data that was used to create the cell-cell scaffold. includes: blueprintComm, blueprintRare, ramiloski, a96, a97, mab, nov, encode
- The map of cell names in source data to xCell data.
Where's the data?
- complete data is found in gs://pan-cancer-cell-cell-comm-net
- data used to construct the scaffold: Data/CellSortedExpressionSets
- E-MTAB-3819 (Blueprint)
- E-MTAB-3827 (Blueprint)
- FANTOM5 downloads hg19.gene_phase1and2combined_tpm.osc.txt.gz (
- E-MTAB-3358 (FANTOM5)
- GSE22886 (Abbas GPL96 & GPL97)
- GSE24759 (Novershtern)
- GSE49910 (Mabbott)
- E-GEOD-26284 (Encode)
- the cell-cell scaffold (network): Data/cell-cell-scaffold-narrow-march21.rda
- xCell cell score estimates: Data/xCell_TCGA_RSEM.txt
- Processed examples of TCGA sample data used for weighting networks (expression and xcell levels): Data/SampleExpr
- ebpp (EB++) == GDC TCGA Pan-Cancer RNA expression data
- RNA (Final) - EBPlusPlusAdjustPANCAN_IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2.geneExp.tsv
How was the data parsed? (it was primarily parsed to enable cluster computing)
- probability distributions were constructed using Code/prob_model_v2.R -- this entails either taking a vector of cell scores over all TCGA samples, and computing an empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) using the R library stats, ecdf(x) where x is the vector of cell scores. -- or for a given cell type, binning xcell scores into quartiles, and for samples within each bin, fitting an ecdf() on expression values for each gene independently.
How was the cell-cell scaffold made?
- using Code/scaffold.R
- try it out with Example/
How was the scaffold weighted for each sample?
- using Code/compute_weights_v2.R
- which needs, one R data file per sample with both expression and cell estimates, plus distributions & accessories (as above).
- try a small working exmaple with Example/
How do I get all the data?
- The complete set of data and distributions is stored in a google bucket, you'll need a google cloud account.
- See Example/
- Also, much of the data and results are stored in Google BigQuery tables.
- See Analysis/SQL for examples of how to query the weighted tables and various summaries.
How do I make plots?
- See the notebook in Analysis: plots.ipynb.
Analysis - data and notebooks used in the analysis of networks.
Code - the code to build the cell-cell scaffold, weight the networks, and perform permuation testing.
Data - objects needed for computing the scaffold and edge weights.
Distributions - gene epxression and cell abundance probability distribution examples.
Example - small examples showing how the network is built and weighted.
Results - edge weights, permuted weights, and the Differentially Weighted Edges (DWEs).