Illusion Modding API v1.21
Warning: This release needs at least BepInEx 5.4.15 and BepisPlugins r16.4 to work properly.
- b74f0d5 @ManlyMarco Added new extended data methods to CharaCustomFunctionController (can now save plugin data directly inside clothing, accessory, body, face, and parameter data so it's automatically copied and moved as needed)
- 65e9ed8 @ManlyMarco Added SceneApi (universal version of Manager.Scene)
- fb6b452 @OrangeSpork [AI,HS2] Added MakerTextbox to AIalike (#39)
- e44efdb @ManlyMarco Updated dependencies to latest versions; Now requires BepInEx v5.4.15 and BepisPlugins v16.4
- 9e53580 @ManlyMarco [KK] Fixed GameAPI H scene events not working in VR module