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LisaVuong edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 29 revisions

##What is Design?

Design is so many things, executed in many different ways, but the function is always the same. Whether it’s blueprints, a clever UI, a brochure, or a chair – design can help solve a visual or physical problem. John Kane

Companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Dropbox have made design an absolute necessity when it comes to building a successful consumer product. But what is design? Is it a logo? Is it making things 'pop?' has 15 different definitions for design. These definitions range from "to plan and fashion artistically" to "having selfish motives". If you Google search "what is design", you get a huge spectrum of articles tackling this question. Some are really good, and some are really bad. This doesn't necessarily mean that no one knows what the fuck this design thing is, since a lot of the articles reach a similar point: design is a method of problem solving. But that in itself encompasses many other aspects that cannot be summed downed to just a few words (a huge perk when your friends ask you what you do).

So here are a few resources to help you craft your own meaningful definition of design:

##General Design

  • Beginner's Guide to Interaction Design: A guide that details many aspects of interaction design, from the history of design to the current standardized design tools -lv
  • Hack Design: Do yourself a favor and subscribe to this. They send out design lessons and resources every week -lv
  • UI vs UX: tl;dr UX is the cereal; UI is the spoon -lv



##Web Design

####Responsive Web Design

####Web Typography

####Prototyping & Development

##Mobile Design



##Data Visualization


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