Archived version - Practical example of how not to do stuff!
Check it out @ Go ahead and play with the forms (login: admin, password: doesn't matter - I mean it - This is not the password!). There used to be a database hooked up to this. If you go over the PHP code you'll see how bad the design was.
OK FINE! Burn me! I was very young and very stupid - I wrote all the code in notepad...
You can go ahead and look at the new design. It's bare bones because I didn't feel like porting all the functionality. Maybe some day.
Several things that I've learned doing this project:
- Check you're spelling :P
- Use a framework or a better library than jQuery when creating a more complex app. The base file is 3000 lines of spaghety mess
- Animations are not everything - but they look efing amazing!
- Don't use PHP
- Ok maybe you can/should - but I certainly wont
- Keep all your old code! You can learn a lot from your mistakes and they are a nice reminder of how far you've come ;)