Nanobot is a very simple Slack bot with one purpose (atm). Notify users when someone joins a channel.
HEADS UP - A Slack bot must be invited (/invite @bot_name
) to a channel before it can listen for events in that channel.
Nanobot makes use of two environment variables:
# This is your Slack bot api token.
# This is a space delimited list of channels|groups|usernames/id's
# which will get notified when someone joins the channel.
SUBSCRIBERS=@username #channel etc.
# clone the code
git clone
# cd into the app
cd nanobox-slackbot
# add your slack bot api token
nanobox add evar local BOT_API_TOKEN=slackbot-api-token
# add your notify users
nanobox add evar local SUBSCRIBERS=@username #channel etc.
# run the app
nanobox run node index.js
To run nanobot in production follow the guides on <a href="", target="_blank">launching a nodejs app with nanobox.
HEADS UP - Make sure you <a href="", target="_blank">add the environment variables from above via your dashboard.