During an investigation on 431 responses being returned by the TGG NextJS proxy, we also saw 502 reponses returned for what we beleve to be the same call containing oversized headers
This repository is a tool for testing the NextJS API with headers of different sizes
The repository contains two applications:
- nextjs-app
- test-next-header
A template Next JS application with a POST api endpoint
You must have NodeJS installed
From the root directory
cd nextjs-app
npm install
npm run dev
You wil now be able to access the Post endpoint at
If the request is successfull the endpoint will return the cookie in the response body
You can use whichever tool you like to send requests to this endpoint
For example, test-next-headers
, Postman
, curl
, Powershell
or your own script
A simple GO CLI that creates a random base64 string of a given size in bytes
if the --request
flag is used, it sends a post requst to the nextjs-app enpoint with the generated string in the cookie header
if the --request
flag is used, the HTTP response and response body will be output to the terminal, otherwise the generated string will be output.
Built executables for Windows, Mac and Linux can be found in ./test-next-header/dist
Generate a random base64 string of a given size
cd test-next-header\dist\tnh_windows_amd64_v1
.\tnh.exe --stringSize <DESIRED_STRING_SIZE_IN_BYTES>
.\tnh.exe --stringSize 16384
Generate a random string of a given size and send it in the cookie header to the nextjs-app
.\tnh.exe --stringSize <DESIRED_STRING_SIZE_IN_BYTES> --request
.\tnh.exe --stringSize 16384 --request
If using Mac or Linux, the same usage applies but you should use the binary for your OS
Mac - \dist\tnh_darwin_amd64_v1
Linux - \dist\tnh_linux_amd64_v1
Execute with ./tnh