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Set of cartesian controllers for ros2_control

The current devs are based on the jazzy ROS 2 distribution (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS)


Installation of the package

# Create a ros2 workspace with a source dir inside
mkdir -p ws_cartesian_controllers/src

# GOTO source dir
cd ws_cartesian_controllers/src

# clone this repos
git clone

# Use VCS to clone (and checkout the correct branches) the repositories of the deps
vcs import . < cartesian_controllers_ros2/cartesian_controllers_ros2.repos

# GOTO source dir
cd ..

# Source ROS2 distro
source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash

# Install the dependencies of ALL packages
# sudo rosdep init && rosdep update
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r

# Build
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --symlink-install

# Source this workspace
source install/setup.bash

Code organization


The following diagram describes the relation between packages: UML class diagram Note that this class diagram is NOT comprehensive and only features the main relations.

The main core ROS dependencies are ros_control, generate_parameters_library, kinematics__interface. The VIC controller makes use of the dynamics_interface package for dynamic model access (based on kinematics_interface).

Additionally, the servo-based VIC implementation naturally requires the moveit2 stack, including the latest moveit_servo package.


  • cartesian_control_msgs: definition of main messages for VIC controllers state and references. Additionally, messages representing the Cartesian state of a manipulator robot are defined here.
  • cartesian_state_broadcaster: simple controller to broadcast the cartesian state (pose + velocity + force).
  • cartesian_vic_controller: main repos, see following section.
  • cartesian_vic_teleop_controller: extension of cartesian_vic_controller to bilateral VIC-based teleoperation.
  • cartesian_vic_servo: alternative implementation for VIC (admittance controller only) using MoveIt2 servo as underlying Cartesian velocity controller.

Cartesian VIC controller

This is the main package that defines the control logic and the default VIC controller (based on ros-control). As visible in the diagram class diagram, the main control logic (see details in cartesian_vic_controller/ is provided by the CartesianVicRule class.

    note for VicRule "Pluginlib plugin"
    CartesianVicRule <|-- VicRuleImpl
    class CartesianVicRule{
        + init()*
        + configure()*
        + update()
        + reset()*
        + init_reference_frame_trajectory()
        + update_compliant_frame_trajectory()
        + controller_state_to_msg()
        # compute_controls()*
    class VicRuleImpl{
        + init()*
        + configure()*
        + reset()*
        # compute_controls()*

The base class CartesianVicRule provide the logic for robot state processing and packaging (see VicInputData class). It is also responsible for managing robot kinematic / dynamics and measurement filtering. The update() function inernally calls the compute_controls(), a pure virtual function that has to be provided by actual VIC implementations.

Each rule inherits from CartesianVicRule and provide an implementation of compute_controls, whose signature is as follows:

bool CartesianVicRule::compute_controls(
    double dt /*period in seconds*/,
    const VicInputData & vic_input_data,
    VicCommandData & vic_command_data);

The implementation compute VIC controls from the VicInputData and returns commands in the form of a VicCommandData object. For instance, if the implementation is based on position control (e.g., admittance control) the following is valid:

// Set position reference
vic_command_data.joint_command_position = <...>;

// Set flags for available commands
// - Cartesian space
vic_command_data.has_twist_command = false;
// - joint space
vic_command_data.has_position_command = true;
vic_command_data.has_velocity_command = false;
vic_command_data.has_acceleration_command = false;
vic_command_data.has_effort_command = false;

Provided VIC rule implementations:

  • VanillaCartesianAdmittanceRule: a basic admittance control law that returns position and velocity (recommended!) commands.
  • VanillaCartesianImpedanceRule: a basic impedance control law that returns torque (i.e., EFFORT) commands.
  • TwistCmdCartesianAdmittanceRule: Same as VanillaCartesianAdmittanceRule, but the inverse kinematics is not handled. Note: this plugin is not compatible with the nominal controller, it is designed for cartesian_vic_servo.


See the repos ICube-Robotics/cartesian_controllers_ros2_examples.