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This is the code for reproducing the TABBIE baseline in our paper: "Retrieval-Based Transformer for Table Augmentation"


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This is the code for reproducing our paper: "Retrieval-Based Transformer for Table Augmentation"


1) first create passages from your table corpus, this may involve splitting tables into multiple passages

For example:

python ${PYTHONPATH}/table_augmentation/entitables/ \
--table_dir ${TBL_DIR}/tables_redi2_1 \
--split_definitions ${TBL_DIR}/sigir2017-table/Data \
--passage_dir ${TBL_DIR}/passages \
--query_dir ${TBL_DIR}/queries

These passages should be in jsonl files with 'pid', 'title' and 'text' fields. The table_id that the passage comes from should be a prefix of the pid. This will allow excluding by pid prefix during training.

2) index your table passages with Anserini

Download and build Anserini. You will need to have Maven and a Java JDK.

git clone
cd anserini
# to use the 0.4.1 version dprBM25.jar is built for
git checkout 3a60106fdc83473d147218d78ae7dca7c3b6d47c
export JAVA_HOME=your JDK directory
mvn clean package appassembler:assemble

Run formating and indexing. For example:

python ${PYTHONPATH}/dpr/ \
--jar ${YOUR_ANSERINI_DIR}/Anserini/target/anserini-0.4.1-SNAPSHOT-fatjar.jar \
--input ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/a.jsonl.gz \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row

3) Create DPR training data

For example:

python ${PYTHONPATH}/table_augmentation/ \
  --train_file ${TBL_DIR}/queries/row_train.jsonl.gz --task.task row --task.answer_normalization identity \
  --jar ${YOUR_ANSERINI_DIR}/Anserini/target/anserini-0.4.1-SNAPSHOT-fatjar.jar \
  --anserini_index ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/index \
  --output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/dpr_train/row

4) Train DPR

For example:

python ${PYTHONPATH}/midpr/ \
--train_dir ${TBL_DIR}/dpr_train/row  \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/models/dpr_e3_row  \
--seq_len_q  64 --seq_len_c  128 \
--num_train_epochs 3 \
--encoder_gpu_train_limit 16 \
--max_grad_norm 1.0 --learning_rate 5e-5 \
--full_train_batch_size 128

5) Build DPR index

This example shows building the index in two parts (if you want to use 2 GPUs in parallel)

python ${PYTHONPATH}/dpr/ \
--embed 1of2 --sharded_index \
--dpr_ctx_encoder_path ${TBL_DIR}/models/dpr_e3_row/ctx_encoder \
--corpus ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/a.jsonl.gz  \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/dpr_index

python ${PYTHONPATH}/dpr/ \
--embed 2of2 --sharded_index \
--dpr_ctx_encoder_path ${TBL_DIR}/models/dpr_e3_row/ctx_encoder \
--corpus ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/a.jsonl.gz \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/dpr_index

6) Apply DPR

For example:

python ${PYTHONPATH}/dpr/ \
--tables ${TBL_DIR}/queries/row_id_validation.jsonl --task.task row --task.answer_normalization identity \
--qry_encoder_path ${TBL_DIR}/models/dpr_e3_row/qry_encoder \
--corpus_endpoint ${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/dpr_index \
--output ${TBL_DIR}/apply/dpr_row.jsonl

Note that when a directory (rather than a http://IP:port) is provided as the corpus_endpoint, a DPR index service will be started. An abnormal exit from either training or apply that uses such a service can leave the service still running. Check to ensure that there are no stray DPR services left running with:

ps -ef | grep python

And check for any left over processes


1) Train the row or column population model

export CORPUS=${TBL_DIR}/passages/row/dpr_index

Optionally start the corpus service

python ${PYTHONPATH}/corpus/ \
--port 5001 --corpus_dir ${CORPUS}


OR let the train / apply scripts start it for you

python ${PYTHONPATH}/extractive/ \
--task.task row --task.answer_normalization identity \
--train_data ${TBL_DIR}/queries/row_train.jsonl.gz \
--model_name_or_path bert-large-cased \
--dpr.qry_encoder_path ${TBL_DIR}/models/dpr_e3_row/qry_encoder \
--dpr.corpus_endpoint ${CORPUS_ENDPOINT} --dpr.n_docs 5 \
--num_train_epochs 1 --warmup_fraction 0.1  --full_train_batch_size 32 \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/models/raex_row

2) Apply the model

python ${PYTHONPATH}/extractive/ \
--tables ${TBL_DIR}/queries/row_id_validation.jsonl \
--task.task row --task.answer_normalization identity \
--model_name_or_path bert-large-cased --resume_from ${TBL_DIR}/models/raex_row \
--dpr.corpus_endpoint ${CORPUS_ENDPOINT} --dpr.n_docs 5 \
--output_dir ${TBL_DIR}/apply/raex_row

NOTE: cell population

Cell filling is documented under table_augmentation/cell_filling


  title={Retrieval-Based Transformer for Table Augmentation},
  author={Glass, Michael and Wu, Xuecheng and Naik, Ankita and Rossiello, Gaetano and Gliozzo, Alfio},
  booktitle={Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},


This is the code for reproducing the TABBIE baseline in our paper: "Retrieval-Based Transformer for Table Augmentation"







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