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IASA Student Council Articles

Welcome to the IASA Student Council Articles repository. This guide will help you understand how to publish new articles, edit drafts, and manage the website.

You can read the articles on our website.

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How to Publish New Articles


  1. Install Git: Follow the instructions to install Git on your computer.
  2. Create a GitHub Account: If you don't already have a GitHub account, sign up here.
  3. Connect Git with GitHub: Follow this quickstart guide to connect Git with your GitHub account.
  4. Learn Git Basics: Familiarize yourself with Git basics by reading the Git Basics.

Steps to Publish

  1. Request Access

    • Become an IASA Student Council Copywriter.
    • Contact the IASA Student Council GitHub owner (typically the IT-department head) to obtain write access to the repository.
    • Ask them to add you to the authors list. You need to provide:
      • Your full name.
      • A link to your Telegram account or your link tree.
      • Your profile image.
  2. Clone the Repository

    • Clone the repository to your desired folder. Open a terminal and run the following command:
      git clone
  3. Create a New Article

    • Navigate to the blog folder inside the cloned repository.
    • Create a new folder with a descriptive name for your article.
    • Inside this new folder, create an or index.mdx file where you will write your article.
  4. Add Metadata

    • At the top of your or index.mdx file, add the following metadata:

      slug: [The URL endpoint for the article. Example: `{slug}`]
      title: [The title of the article]
      authors: [A list of authors. You can grab them from the `authors.yml` file in the `blog` folder]
      tags: [A list of tags to help users find articles]
      date: [The publication date, which determines the article's position in the blog list]
      keywords: [A list of keywords to improve searchability]

      Example Metadata:

      slug: elected-ai-3-2023
      title: Вибіркові дисципліни ШІ 3 курс
      authors: [sonya, andrew, olya, karina]
      tags: [IASA SC, ІПСА, ШІ, Вибіркові, 3 курс]
      date: 2023-03-11T11:00
      keywords: [ІПСА, Вибіркові дисципліни, ШІ, 3 курс]
  5. Write the Article

    • Write your article using Markdown. Refer to the Markdown Guide for syntax help.
    • Ensure your content is clear, concise, and well-organized.
  6. Add Multiple Images in a Line

    • To display multiple images in a line, use the following HTML snippet within your Markdown file:
      <ul className="images">
              <img alt="{Alt text}" src="{First image URL}" className="center" />
              <p className="center">{Caption}</p>
          <li className="top">
              <img alt="{Alt text}" src="{Second image URL}" className="center" />
              <a href="{Second caption link}"><p className="center"><b>{Bold caption with link}</b></p></a>
          <li className="middle">
              <img alt="{Alt text}" src="{Third image URL}" className="center" />
              <p className="center"><i>{Italic caption}</i></p>
  7. Publish the Article

    • Use the following Git commands to publish your article:
      git add .
      git commit -m "{Describe your changes}"
      git pull
      git push
    • Explanation:
      • git add .: Adds all changes to the staging area.
      • git commit -m "{Describe your changes}": Commits the changes with a descriptive message.
      • git pull: Fetches and merges changes from the remote repository.
      • git push: Pushes your local commits to the remote repository.

Editing Drafts

  1. Save as Draft

    • To save your article as a draft, add .txt to your Markdown file name (e.g., This prevents the article from being displayed on the live site, but allows others to edit it.
    • Once ready, remove the .txt extension to publish the article.
  2. Create a Branch

    • Create and work on a new branch for your draft.
    • Refer to Git Branching Basics for more details.
    • Once the article is ready, create a pull request to merge the branch into the main branch.


This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator. Refer to the Docusaurus documentation for more information.

Development and Deployment

  1. Installation

    To install the necessary dependencies, run:

    $ npm install
  2. Local Development

    To start a local development server, run:

    $ npm start

    This command starts a local development server and opens a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without needing to restart the server.

  3. Build

    To generate static content, run:

    $ npm run build

    This command generates static content in the build directory, which can be served using any static content hosting service.

  4. Deployment

    Just push your commits to the main branch.


Developed and maintained by the IASA Student Council IT department.

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