Pipeline using facets for fraction and copy number estimate from tumor/normal sequencing data.
#using a tn_pairs file
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/facets-nf -r v2.0 \
-profile singularity --ref hg38 \
--dbsnp_vcf_ref snps.vcf.gz \
--tn_file tn_pairs.txt \
--cohort_dir /path/CRAM
# Or using directories storing the CRAM/BAM files
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/facets-nf -r v2.0 \
-profile singularity --ref hg38 \
--dbsnp_vcf_ref snps.vcf.gz \
--tumor_dir /path/tumor \
--normal_dir /path/normal
#activate CRAM files mode
nextflow run iarcbioinfo/facets-nf -r v2.0 \
-profile singularity --ref hg38 \
--dbsnp_vcf_ref snps.vcf.gz \
--tumor_dir /path/tumor \
--normal_dir /path/normal \
--cram true
- This pipeline is based on nextflow. As we have several nextflow pipelines, we have centralized the common information in the IARC-nf repository. Please read it carefully as it contains essential information for the installation, basic usage and configuration of nextflow and our pipelines.
- External software:
You can avoid installing all the external software by only installing Docker or singularity. See the IARC-nf repository for more information.
Type | Description |
--tumor_dir | Folder containing tumor BAM/CRAM files |
--normal_dir | Folder containing normal BAM/CRAM files |
OR | |
--cohort_dir | Folder containing all BAM/CRAM files |
--tn_file | File containing the list of names of BAM files to be processed |
A text file tabular separated, with the following header:
tumor_id sample tumor normal
sample1_T1 sample1 sample1_T.cram sample1_N.cram
sample2_T1 sample2 sample2_T.cram sample2_N.cram
sample3_T1 sample3 sample3_T.cram sample3_N.cram
Name | Example value | Description |
--tn_file | [file] | File containing list of T/N bam/cram files to be processed (T.bam, N.bam) |
--ref | [string] | Version of genome: hg19 or hg38 or hg18 [def:hg38] |
--dbsnp_vcf_ref | [path] | Path to dbsnp vcf reference file (with name of ref file) |
SNP reference (vcf file) can be downloaded from:
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606_b150_GRCh37p13/VCF/00-common_all.vcf.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606_b150_GRCh38p7/VCF/00-common_all.vcf.gz
Name | type | Description |
--analysis_type | [string] | Type of analysis: genome or exome, def: genome |
--snp_nbhd | [number] | By default 1000 for genome and 250 for exome |
--cval_preproc | [number] | By default 35 for genome, 25 for exome |
--cval_proc1 | [number] | By default 150 for genome, 75 for exome |
--cval_proc2 | [number] | By default 300 for genome, 150 for exome |
--min_read_count | [number] | By default 20 for genome, 35 for exome |
--m_cval | [bool] | Use multiple cval values (500,1000,1500) to study the number of segments [def:true] |
SNP-pileup options | ||
--min-map-quality | [number] | Minimum read mapping quality [def:15] |
--min-base-quality | [number] | Minimum base quality [def:20] |
--pseudo-snps | [number] | window for pseudo-snps [def:100] |
Execution options | ||
--snppileup_bin | [path] | Path to snppileup software (default: snp-pileup) |
-profile | [str] | Configuration profile to use (Available: singularity, docker) |
Outputs | ||
--output_folder | [folder] | Folder name for output files (default: ./result) |
input is CRAM | ||
--cram | [bool] | the input are CRAM files [def:false] |
Pairs in separate directories | ||
--tumor_dir | [directory] | Directory containing tumor bam/cram files |
--normal_dir | [directory] | Directory containing normal bam/cram files |
--cohort_dir | [directory] | Directory containing all bam/cram files |
Files suffixes | ||
--suffix_tumor | [string] | tumor file name's specific suffix (by default _T) |
--suffix_normal | [string] | normal file name's specific suffix (by default _N) |
Visualization | ||
--facets_plot | [bool] | Facets will generate a PDF output (def:true) |
├── facets
│ ├── LNEN047_TU.def_cval300_CNV.pdf # Facet plot for cval=300 (default for genome).
│ ├── LNEN047_TU.def_cval300_CNV_spider.pdf # Spider plot (QC).
│ ├── LNEN047_TU.def_cval300_CNV.txt # CNV segments.
│ ├── LNEN047_TU.def_cval300_stats.txt # Ploidy and Purity.
│ ├── LNEN047_TU.R_sessionInfo.txt # R sesion information.
│ ├── ...
├── facets_stats_default_summary.txt # Summary of ploidy and purity for all samples
└── nf-pipeline_info # Nextflow info directory
├── facets_dag.html
├── facets_report.html
├── facets_timeline.html
├── facets_trace.txt
└── run_parameters_report.txt # Custom file providing info for software versions
In case of low coverage you may get the following error during facets process:
Loading required package: pctGCdata
Error in fit.cpt.tree(genomdat, cval = cval, hscl = hscl, delta = delta) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 9)
Calls: preProcSample -> segsnps -> fit.cpt.tree
=> We advise then to decrease the parameter: min_read_count
The first time that the container is built from the docker image, the TMPDIR should be defined in a non parallel file-system, you can set this like:
export TMPDIR=/tmp
Name | Description | |
Matthieu Foll* | [email protected] | Developer to contact for support (link to specific gitter chatroom) |
Catherine Voegele | [email protected] | Developer |
Nicolas Alcala | [email protected] | Developer |
Alex Di Genova | [email protected] | Developer |