A random forest implementation to filter germline mutations from tumor-only samples
To ensure reproducibility, we created a docker/singularity container:
#fetch and create the singularity container
export TMPDIR=/tmp
singularity pull docker://adigenova/rf-mut-f:v2.0
├── container # container
│ └── rf-mut-f_v2.0.sif
├── databases # external databases
│ ├── cosmic
│ ├── genome
│ ├── gnomad
│ └── misc # BED for centromers...
├── mesomics # mesomic data release
│ └── release2
└── README.md # main README.md
The release2 directory contains three subdirectories:
Links to VCF files of matched tumors.
Links to VCF files of matched samples called as t-only.
Links to VCF files of tumor-only samples.
The script code/bash/get_mesomics_rel2.sh create the previous file structure.
This step creates a matrix of features for training the Random Forest Model to discriminate germline from somatic variants. The current list of features is the following:
Feature | type | Description |
COSMIC_CENSUS_GENE | factor | var is in cosmic gene |
COSMIC | factor | var is annotated in cosmic |
GNOMAD | integer | var is annotated in GNOMAD |
SNVS | factor | AT TC GA (Signatures) |
BCSQ | factor | Variant impact |
CENTROMER | factor | var is located in centromeric regions |
MPOS | integer | median distance from the end of read |
DP | integer | Approximate read depth |
GERMQ | integer | Phred-scaled quality that alt alleles are not germline variants |
SEQQ | integer | Phred-scaled quality that alt alleles are not sequencing errors |
STRANDQ | integer | Phred-scaled quality of strand bias artifact |
TLOD | integer | Log 10 likelihood ratio score of variant existing versus not existing |
NS | integer | Number of samples with the var (Sample Freq) |
AF | float | Allele fractions of alternate alleles in the tumor |
ADR | integer | Allelic depths for the ref allele |
ADA | integer | Allelic depths for the alt allele |
OR1 | integer | Count of reads in F1R2 pair orientation supporting ref allele |
OR2 | integer | Count of reads in F2R1 pair orientation supporting ref allele |
OA1 | integer | Count of reads in F1R2 pair orientation supporting alt allele |
OA2 | integer | Count of reads in F2R1 pair orientation supporting alt allele |
SOMATIC | factor | var is somatic or not |
A total of 20 features from 3 groups, including external databases (COSMIC, GNOMAD), genomic impact and composition, Mutect2 features related to sequencing errors, and read depth, among others, are used to build and train the RF classifier.
The script jobs/create_matrix_rel2.sh, is a SLURM script that use the singularity container to create the following files:
- Somatics.snv.matrix.txt Matrix with somatic SNVs
- Germline.snv.matrix.txt Matrix with Germline SNVs
- Somatics.indel.matrix.txt Matrix with somatic INDELs
- Germline.indel.matrix.txt Matrix with Germline INDELs
These files are used for training and optimizing the RF classifier. This job will allocate 50 CPUs in a single machine.
sbatch jobs/create_matrix_rel2.sh
The above bash script call the code/makefiles/create_matrix_training.mk makefile that executes all the required within the container to generate the above files.
Under de databases directory, there are makefiles for fetching the required external databases.
The bash script run-optimization-rel2.sh call the Rscript code/Rscripts/RF-SNV-optimization-dist-rel2.R to perform a grid search of the random forest model using a total of 48 parameter combinations (code/Rscripts/grid_search_parameters.txt) as described in Di Genova et al.
The bash script jobs/train-best-model-rel2.sh call internally the code/Rscripts/RF-BEST-SNV-REL2.R to build the random forest models using the optimal parameters resulting from step 2. In the case of mesothelioma, they were 8 1000 5 for mtry, ntree, and node size, respectively. The resulting random forest models for SNPs and Indels are employed to classify tumor-only point mutations into germline or somatic.
The bash script jobs/predict_somatics_rel2.sh call the code/makefiles/predict_t_only.mk makefile to annotate the tumor-only variants, build the 20 features matrices, and finally use the optimal random forest to classify each variant of the tumor-only whole-genome sequence set into germline or somatics. The Rscript code/Rscripts/RF-APPLY-MODEL-CUTOFF-VOTES-PROB.R load the optimal models and performs variants classification.
The bash script filter_vcfs_annovar_rel2.sh call the code/makefiles/filter_vcfs_using_model.mk makefile to filter tumor-only variants based on RF votes using a cuttoff of 0.75 and 0.5 for non-coding and coding variants,respectively.
After this final step, a set of VCFs with high-confidence somatic point mutations is generated for each tumor-only sample.
MPOS is a relevant variable for the model, the third one after Allele frequency and GERMQ. Some values of MPOS are set as "." due to a bug of Mutect2. These missing values were replaced by the median MPOS of somatics (median=38) or germline (median=50) variants. A total of 152 and 346 variants were replaced by the median of somatic or germline variants, respectively.
Typically, random forest methods/packages encourage two ways of handling missing values: a) drop data points with missing values (not recommended); b) fill in missing values with the median (for numerical values) or mode (for categorical values). For MPOS missing values, we will use the median. post