- 🎓 PhD student at University of Liverpool & National Tsing Hua University.
- 🤔 Majorying Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision and Autonomous Systems.
- 💼 Founder of TOPSOFT Group.
- 🌱 Trying to learn more about computer science.
- ☕ LLLLLLLLoving spicy foods.
- 💻 Python | Java
- 🔧 Pytorch | Tensorflow | Django
- 🛢 Embodied AI | Reinforcement Learning | Computer Vision | Efficient DL
- 🌐 Web Programming | Database
- 🖥 Adobe PR | Photoshop
Email: [email protected] | Full Bio
⭐️ From devSouvik
Links : Prof.Nguyen | Prof.Lee