Fine-tuned icon fonts integration for Sass, Less and Stylus. Features the following icon sets:
Manual: Get the files you need over at /stylesheets/ and put it in your project.
Bower: Using bower makes files available via bower_components/iconfonts/stylesheets/
$ bower install iconfonts
In your less/sass/styl files:
@include '../bower_components/iconfonts/stylesheets/ionicons';
NPM: Using npm makes files available via node_modules/iconfonts/stylesheets/
$ npm install iconfonts --save
In your less/sass/styl files:
@include '../node_modules/iconfonts/stylesheets/ionicons';
Rails: Use
source '' do
gem 'rails-assets-iconfonts'
In your sass files:
@import 'iconfonts/stylesheets/ionicons';
This lets you use CSS definitions only for the icons you need, on the elements that you need them.
The CSS files that these fonts provide usually give you a lot of cruft, and defines all the classes in one giant file.
/* CSS */
.fa-user:before { content: '\f007'; }
.fa-film:before { content: '\f008'; }
.fa-th-large:before { content: '\f009'; }
... and 300 more
/* HTML */
<button class="btn btn-plus"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add user</button>
I prefer to not have them in my CSS files unless I need them. This project lets you do that.
/* Stylus */
.btn-plus:before {
margin-right: 10px;
/* HTML */
<button class="btn-plus">Add user</button>
SCSS (example)
@import 'font-awesome';
/* embeds the @font-face. use this only once. */
@include fa-font();
button:before {
@include fa-icon("music", 14px);
See a Sass file for more info.
Optional: If you're on Rails (with sass-rails), and prefer to keep the
files in your project, download the font files to vendor/assets/images/
Afterwards, use xx-font-rails()
instead of xx-font()
to embed the
@font-face. Usage is otherwise the same as above.
@import 'font-awesome';
@include fa-font-rails();
Stylus (example)
@require font-awesome
fa-icon("music", 14px)
See a stylus file for more info.
Less (example)
@import 'font-awesome';
button:before {
font-size: 14px;
See a less file for more info.
If you're on Rails (with less-rails) and prefer to keep the files in your
project, download the font files to vendor/assets/images/
. Afterwards, use
instead of xx-font()
to embed the @font-face. Usage is
otherwise the same as above.
@import 'font-awesome';
Iconfonts © 2014+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors. · GitHub @rstacruz · Twitter @rstacruz