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RSE Project 2020

In this file, we explain how to set up, run, and develop this project. The project description is located in ./project-description/


The skeleton leverages various frameworks that simplify and aid software development. In the following, we provide a quick introduction, with a focus on how these frameworks help you complete this project.

We provide instructions exclusively for Linux (in particular, for Ubuntu). We strongly recommend you use Ubuntu to develop and run this project.


The project is set up to use docker - if you are curious, you can find a simple introduction here. Docker essentially simulates a lightweight virtual machine, which allows us work in a controlled environment that comes with the necessary dependencies for this project (e.g., APRON, Soot, ...).

To install docker, you may follow these instructions.

To run the docker image in interactive mode (i.e., in a terminal where you can run any command), run

root@a515c5af06d6:/project/analysis$ TYPE YOUR COMMAND HERE...

In the following, we assume you ran the previous command (and are inside your docker image). If you are set up locally (discussed later), you may omit this step and operate directly on your machine (instead of in docker).


We manage the project's build, reporting and testing using Maven. The most important maven commands are:

# delete automatically generated files
root@a515c5af06d6:/project/analysis$ mvn clean
# compile, run unit and integration tests
root@a515c5af06d6:/project/analysis$ mvn verify
# generate report (tests, code coverage by JaCoCo)
root@a515c5af06d6:/project/analysis$ mvn site

The latter command generates a report in ./analysis/target/site/index.html.

Unit and Integration Testing

We have set up maven to run unit tests (detected by filename pattern * and integration tests (detected by filename pattern *, which are located in directory ./analysis/src/test/java.

The most important maven commands regarding testing are

# run unit tests and create "surefire" report
root@a515c5af06d6:/project/analysis$ mvn test surefire-report:report
# run integration tests and create "failsafe" report
mvn verify -Dskip.surefire.tests site -Dskip.surefire.tests

The two reports are located in surefire-report.html and failsafe-report.html, respectively.


We use SLF4J as a front-end for logging. Our logging backend is Logback - feel free to adapt the logging configuration if needed.

GitLab CI/CD

We have set up the project to build and test the project on every push to the code repository, as controlled by .gitlab-ci.yml. When the tests fail, you will be notified by e-mail (depending on your GitLab settings).

We recommend that you start to develop new functionality by writing corresponding tests, i.e., that you adhere to test-driven development.

Common issues

  • ERROR: Job failed (system failure): Likely, running the job again will resolve this issue. To this end, in GitLab, navigate to CI/CD -> Jobs -> Click on the box "Failed" of the failed job -> Click "Retry" (top right)

Java Security Manager

We use the Java Security Manager to restrict access to sensitive resources. The security policy is controlled by ./analysis/src/main/resources/java.policy, which you should not modify.


We use JaCoCo to record and report the code coverage achieved by all tests. When running mvn verify, the code coverage is reported in analysis/target/site/jacoco-merged-test-coverage-report/index.html. As discussed in the project description, we will award additional points for a instruction coverage of >=75%.

Sanity Check for Submission

IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure we will be able to run your submission, follow these rules:

  1. Various files in this repository come with a note to NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. We will overwrite these files for grading, so not adhering to them may mean that we cannot compile your project.
  2. Before submission, check that running the tests works in the docker image. We will use this workflow for testing your submission.
root@cd6589e9f6f5:/project/analysis$ mvn verify

Local Setup (Optional but Recommended)

In many cases, it is convenient to run the project outside the docker container (e.g., for debugging).

Local Installation

To install the relevant prerequisites on your system, follow the commands in the Dockerfile. To run the commands in your terminal, note the following.


You can run commands starting with RUN in your terminal. For example, if the Dockerfile states

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  build-essential \

you may run (we split the command at &&, removed \ and new lines, and added sudo):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential wget

Note: Do not use sudo for the mvn install:install-file command (as mentioned in the Dockerfile).


You can run commands starting with ENV on your terminal. For example, if the Dockerfile states

ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

you may run (we removed ENV and added export and =):

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

Using Java 1.8

For some reason, Soot runs significantly faster in Java 1.8 than in Java 1.11. If you figure out why, let us know :)

To ensure maven indeed uses Java 1.8, run

echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64" > $HOME/.mavenrc

Local Configurations

If you want to change configurations local to your machine (such as JAVA_HOME), follow the instructions in analysis/settings_template.xml.

Local Development

We recommend using eclipse for development, which you can install, e.g., via

sudo snap install --classic eclipse

To prepare eclipse for running and debugging the project, follow these steps:

  1. Open eclipse
  2. Import the project: File -> Import -> Existing Maven Projects -> Next -> Browse and select the path to the analysis directory -> Select /pom.xml -> Finish
  3. Run the project: Right click on analysis in "Project Explorer" -> Run As -> Run Configurations -> Double-click Junit -> Select "Run all tests in the selected project" -> Switch to tab "Environment" -> Add -> Name: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", Value: "/usr/local/lib" -> Ok -> Switch to tab JRE -> Select JavaSE-1.8 (or another java-8 version) -> Run

When you modify the project files from outside eclipse (e.g., from the command line using the mvn command), you may need to update the project in eclipse. To this end:

  1. Open eclipse
  2. Right click on analysis in "Project Explorer" -> Maven -> Update Project -> OK


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