Starting from v4.0.0-rc3
, zen-node docker containers will be released in only one version, which includes the AddressIndexing features that were previously only available in the bitcore
tags. This means that new bitcore*
tags for block explorers will not be published anymore, please use the normal tags for block explorers starting with v4.0.0-rc3
built from main:/latest/Dockerfilelatest-legacy-cpu
built from main:/latest-legacy-cpu/Dockerfile for CPUs not supporting adx/bmi2 flagsdev
zend pre-release/development versions built from main:/testing/Dockerfiledev-legacy-cpu
zend pre-release/development versions built from main:/testing/Dockerfile for CPUs not supporting adx/bmi2 flags
Release tags:
tagged releases in formatvX.Y.Z(-$build)
built from $TAG:/latest/Dockerfilev5.0.6-legacy-cpu
tagged releases in formatvX.Y.Z(-$build)-legacy-cpu
built from $TAG:/latest-legacy-cpu/Dockerfilev5.0.99-alpha1-88cf6f3
pre-release/development releases in formatvX.Y.Z-(alphaX|betaX|rcX|wipX)(|-committish)
built from $TAG:/testing/Dockerfilev5.0.99-alpha1-88cf6f3-legacy-cpu
pre-release/development releases in formatvX.Y.Z-(alphaX|betaX|rcX|wipX)(|-committish)-legacy-cpu
built from $TAG:/testing-legacy-cpu/Dockerfile
To run, execute docker run --name zen-node zencash/zen-node
, this will create a minimal zen.conf file in the named volume /mnt/zen
which is used as zend's data directory and downloads the ZCash trusted setup to the named volume /mnt/zcash-params
. Once the trusted setup is downloaded and verified zend will start syncing with the blockchain.
To execute zen-cli
commands inside of a running container, use docker exec -it zen-node gosu user zen-cli $command
, to see available cli commands run docker exec -it zen-node gosu user zen-cli help
To gain a shell inside of the container, run docker exec -it zen-node gosu user bash
, after that zen-cli
can be executed as if running natively.
To use data/params directories stored on the host instead of docker volumes, mount them into the docker container at /mnt/zen
and /mnt/zcash-params
environment variables, e.g. docker run --name zen-node -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) -e LOCAL_GRP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$HOME/.zen:/mnt/zen" -v "$HOME/.zcash-params:/mnt/zcash-params zencash/zen-node
To configure zend for use in testnet mode, run docker run --name zen-node -e OPTS="-testnet=1" zencash/zen-node
To configure zend for use with block explorers, run docker run --name zen-node -e OPTS="-txindex=1 -addressindex=1 -timestampindex=1 -spentindex=1 -zmqpubrawtx=tcp://*:28332 -zmqpubhashblock=tcp://*:28332" zencash/zen-node:bitcore
, but be aware of when exposing the zmq port.
To make zend's P2P port reachable from the outside, run docker run --name zen-node -p 9033:9033 zencash/zen-node
or to specify a custom port docker run --name zen-node -p 9876:9876 -e PORT=9876 zencash/zen-node
Note: never expose the RPC port (default 8231) to the internet! By default the RPC interface is not restricted by origin IP, this will change in a future release, see Configuration options RPC_ALLOWIP_PRESET
for more.
For advanced usage, see Configuration options.
Systemd unit file and docker compose file samples are available here.
To configure the most commonly used zend options, the following environment variables can be used:
define any command line options to run zend with, e.g.-e OPTS="-txindex=1 -debug=1 -testnet=1"
Available switches can be displayed with:docker run --rm -e OPTS="-help" zencash/zen-node
change ownership of folders mounted into the container at/mnt/zen
, if not provided9001:9001
will be used. With this, host directories can be mounted into the container with the right ownership, zend runs with the same UID:GID inside of the container as specified withLOCAL_USER_ID
. Example:docker run --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) -e LOCAL_GRP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$HOME/.zen:/mnt/zen" -v "$HOME/.zcash-params:/mnt/zcash-params zencash/zen-node
to set the P2P port, e.g.-e PORT=9033
to set the RPC username, e.g.-e RPC_USER=zenuser
to set the RPC password, e.g.-e RPC_PASSWORD=secret
to set the RPC port, e.g.-e RPC_PORT=8231
, defaultANY
uses zend's default setting of only allowing localhost access.SUBNET
tries to detect all local subnets/docker networks, disallowing any public networks.ANY
allows IPv4 and IPv6 connections from anywhere by settingrpcallowip=
in zen.conf, to keep backwards compatibility this is the current default. Example:-e RPC_ALLOWIP_PRESET=SUBNET
NOTE: the default will change toLOCALHOST
in a future release, as allowingANY
is a potential security risk if the RPC port is exposed to the internet.RPC_ALLOWIP
comma separated string of one or more IPs/subnets, no spaces. Valid are a single IP (e.g., a network/netmask (e.g. or a network/CIDR (e.g. Allows RPC access from the provided IPs or networks by settingrpcallowip=
for each value in zen.conf. Works in combination withRPC_ALLOWIP_PRESET
. Example:-e RPC_ALLOWIP=",,fe01:a1f:ea75:ca75::/128"
comma separated string of one or more of IPv4, IPv6 or the string "DETECT", no spaces. Addsexternalip=
for each provided IP Address to zen.conf. "DETECT" tries to determine the outgoing IPv4 and IPv6 address using DNS queries to Example:-e EXTERNAL_IP="DETECT,,2606:4700:4700::1111"
comma separated string of one or more nodes to try to connect to, in format IPv4:PORT, [IPv6]:PORT or FQDN:PORT, no spaces. Example:-e ADDNODE=",[2a03:4000:6:8315::1]:9033,"
, logging to docker logs instead of debug.log.TLS_KEY_PATH
to set the SSL private key path, e.g.-e TLS_KEY_PATH=/home/user/.zen/ssl.key
to set the SSL certificate path, e.g.-e TLS_CERT_PATH=/home/user/.zen/ssl.crt
to run a user defined bash script before launching zend. This is useful to e.g. make backups of wallet.dat each time the container starts. Example:-e CUSTOM_SCRIPT=/home/user/.zen/
git clone
cd zen-node-docker
for folder in latest latest-legacy-cpu bitcore bitcore-legacy-cpu testing testing-legacy-cpu bitcore-testing bitcore-testing-legacy-cpu; do
docker build -t zen-node:$folder -f $folder/Dockerfile .