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Caffe Computation Graph Optimization.

Intro :

If you are willing to know something about computation graph optimization, NNVM or XLA should be a good start. In this case, we focus on how to squeeze the redundant operations out of topological order computation graph, which is .prototxt in Caffe. Just Tricks, No Theory.

How to optimize Caffe computation graph ?

  • Operation Fusion *:
    • conv/fc + bn + scale => conv/fc
    • conv/fc + bn => conv/fc
    • data + conv/fc => conv/fc **
  • In-place Computation:
    • Activation : ReLU ; TanH ; SoftMax ; PReLU
    • Affine : Batch-Normalization ; Scale
  • Layer Elimination:
    • Dropout

*: We won't discuss layer reconstruction, such as conv-bn-relu layer. In this repository, one may accelerate models without writing a single line of code.
**: First convolution layer must hold pad==0, or the fusion of mean value subtraction may lead to performance loss. But scale factor is free to be merged in first convolution layer. Take 2-D input matrix as an example,

% Matlab 
>> mean = 122;
>> X = mean*ones(3);
>> W = rand(2);
>> conv2(W,X,'full') % padding != 0 leading to different output
ans =
  116.8158  136.0446  136.0446   19.2288
  234.5322  372.1734  372.1734  137.6411
  234.5322  372.1734  372.1734  137.6411
  117.7164  236.1287  236.1287  118.4123
>> conv2(W,X,'same') % new_bias = 372.1734 with padding == 0
ans =
  372.1734  372.1734
  372.1734  372.1734

Visualisation :

We use a cifar-10 network to go into the details (batchsize=10 with forward and backward).

Optimization Netscope CPU forward (ms) GPU forward (ms) GPU Memory (MB)
Naive view 26.20 2.766 168
In-place view 26.29 2.734 165
Fusion view 23.16 2.070 160

CPU : Intel® Xeon(R) CPU E3-1220 v5 @ 3.00GHz × 4 + OpenBLAS
GPU : K80 + CUDA8.0 + cuDNN

What is the benefit of in-place optimization ?
In fact, there is an inherent problem in Caffe. As annotation said:

In-place computation; need to store bottom data before overwriting it. Note that this is only necessary for Backward; we could skip this if not doing Backward, but Caffe currently provides no way of knowing whether we'll need to do Backward at the time of the Forward call.

There are some redundant backup memorys at inference time. To further reduce the memory footprint, we need to define a novel memory allocation mechanism, which will be discussed in the future.
In this case, we use in-place optimization to simplify data dependecy, then we can merge BN and Scale easily.

Workhorse Networks :

GPU forward (ms) AlexNet-BN ResNet-18 MobileNet-v1
Naive 6.981 13.769 14.550
OPT 5.347 8.865 7.167
Acceleration 1.31x 1.55x 2.03x

average inference time of 1K iterations with batchsize=1

How to use ?

sudo apt-get install cython
pip install configparser --user
pip install numpy --user
pip install protobuf --user
pip install scikit-image --user

# install Caffe
cd /your/caffe/path
make pycaffe
# edit config.ini 
# check your target model and prototxt path
# test accuracy, which should be the same as original model 

Here is an example of config.ini:

pycaffe_path = /home/shuan/caffe-master/python
# original model and prototxt path
original_prototxt_path = ./model/train_val.prototxt
original_model_path = ./model/cifar10.caffemodel
# target model and prototxt path
optimized_prototxt_path = ./model/opt_train_val.prototxt
optimized_model_path = ./model/opt_cifar10.caffemodel

merge_bn_scale = yes 
# yes / no

merge_input_scale = no
merge_input_mean = no
# yes / no
# using mean() to calc mean vector [R G B] 
mean_proto_path = ./data/mean.npy 
# if mean.npy didn't exist, we will use given mean values below
mean_R = 123.0
mean_G = 117.0
mean_B = 104.0
# INPUT SCALE FACTOR, e.g. MobileNet used 0.017 to scale raw data.
input_scale = 0.017
H = 224
W = 224
# setting H and W explicitly, in case your prototxt was not the format of deploy.prototxt
C = 3
# 3 for RGB; 1 for Gray

merge_dropout = yes
# yes / no

merge_inplace_memory = yes
# yes / no
# inplace operation memory reuse

ONNX Graph Optimization :



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