Author(s): J.N.A.Vink Version 2.0 Last update: 09.02.2021
Installation: Clone the anaDDA folder from Github to the desired folder on your desktop. Subsequently add this folder and its subfolders to the search path of MATLAB.
MATLAB version and required toolboxes: This software was tested on MATLAB 2018a and 2020a. The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox is required to run the software. In case the user wants to use parallel computing for increased performance, the Parallel Computing Toolbox is also required.
For more information read manualanaDDA.docx
Cite as: "Extracting transition rates in particle tracking using analytical diffusion distribution analysis", J. Vink, S.J.J. Brouns, and J. Hohlbein, Biophysical Journal, 119, 1970–83, 2020,