During the Black Friday, some on-line shopping website would like to attract customers by selling some products at lower prices. For example, the normal price of an iPhone 14 is $799, and some websites would like to sell 10 iPhone 14 for only $499. At that point, it would lead to a problem that a large amount of purchasing request which will bring the server great pressure. To solve this problem, I develope a website to solve this problem. According to the test result from Apache JMeter, the throughput increased from 560/h to 3600/h after optimization through AJAX, Redis RabbitMQ.
Programming Language: HTML, JavaScript/CSS, Lua, Java
Tools & Framework: SpringBoot, MyBatis-Plus, MySQL, Docker, Redis, RabbitMQ, AJAX, Apache JMeter
- Developed a website for e-commerce companies to conduct limited-time sales events during Black Friday.
- Built backend with Java and frontend with HTML, CSS, and Lua in a Spring Boot environment.
- Created the database with MySQL to store the users’ information and used MyBatis-Plus to simplify the operation.
- Utilized AJAX to update web pages dynamically to improve data transmission efficiency.
- Deployed Redis with Docker in a Linux environment to decrease access to the database.
- Implemented RabbitMQ for order serialization and captcha for order placement security to prevent scripts and scalpers.
- Increased throughput from 560/h to 3600/h according to the Apache JMeter pressure tests.
IMG_01_Log in
IMG_02_Goods list
IMG_03_Goods detail(Flash End)
IMG_04_Goods detail(Flash Unstart)
IMG_05_Goods detail(Flash Ongoing)
IMG_06_Goods detail(Wrong Captcha)
IMG_07_Goods detail(Flash succees)
IMG_08_Orders detail
IMG_10_Pressure test report
IMG_11_Redis manager
IMG_12_Redis manager(orders detail)