A loader for the experimental Astro Content Layer API using the npm public registry search API to load all packages from a given author.
The Astro Content Layer API and this loader are experimental and subject to change.
Install the package using your package manager:
npm i @hideoo/astro-loader-npm-packages
To use this loader, enable the experimental Content Layer API in your Astro project by editing your astro.config.mjs
export default defineConfig({
+ experimental: {
+ contentLayer: true,
+ },
You can then use the loader in your Content Layer configuration located in the src/content/config.ts
import { npmPackagesLoader } from '@hideoo/astro-loader-npm-packages'
import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content'
// Define a collection using the loader.
const packages = defineCollection({
loader: npmPackagesLoader({
// The author to load packages from.
author: 'hideoo',
export const collections = { packages }
To query and render the loaded packages, you can use the same API as content collections:
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content'
const packages = await getCollection('packages')
packages.map(({ data, id }) => (
<a href={`/pkg/${id}/`}>{data.package.name}</a>
To learn more about querying and rendering, check the Astro Content Layer API documentation.
Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © HiDeoo.
See LICENSE for more information.