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Flying Control Simulator - A project during my second and third year of degree studies , using java devlopment and implementation of important principles of "Design Patterns".

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Flight Simulator Control

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This is a project we developed during our advanced software programming course in our 2nd year. This project helped us to gain a higher level of knowledge in programming, with emphasis on design patterns and programming principles such as SOLID and GRASP, and finally developing our own JavaFX desktop application.


In this section we wrote a general server, which can be used over and over again in various projects. In order for the server to be re-usable, there must be a seperation between the server's functionality and the rest of the code.

Therefore, we defined the functionality of the server as an interface, and each project can have different classes that will implement the same functionality in different ways. Thus, the Open / Close principle has been applied.

Now the Server interface has a quite simple functionality:

  • A method that receives a port for listening and its function will be to open the server and wait for clients.
  • A method to close the server. For this project we will use a class called MySerialServer that will be a type of Server.


Imagine a situation in which the MySerialServer class would also define the client-server call protocol. In different projects, there might be different conversations in different formats and with different expectations between the client and the server. Therefore, we won't be able to use this class in other projects.

To solve that issue, we had to separate the server mechanism implemented in MySerialServer from different forms of conversation with possible clients. For that reason we created an interface called ClientHandler to determine the type of call with the client and its handling. Now MySerialServer class can inject any desired implementation for ClientHandler.

For example, for every implementation of a Server we can inject a call of inversion of strings or solving equations. In the same way, if one day we would like to implement additional protocols then we will only need to add the implementation of ClientHandler without changing or copying again the code of the various implementations to the Server.

In this method, we maintained both the Single Responsibility and Open / Close principles.


The project also has a caching system, for it might take a lot of time to calculate some solutions. It would be redundant to calculate a solution for a problem that we already solved. Instead, we can save solutions that were already calculated in an external file, or a database. Upon receiving a new problem, we will first check the cache to see if we have already solved it. If so, we will extract the solution from the disk instead of calculating it.

We created the CacheManager interface to manage the cache for us, with the following functionalities:

  • Checks whether the solution already exists in the database.
  • Extracts the data from the database (If a solution already exists).
  • Saves the solution for the problem.



Our Concerete Server

Given a graph, it could solve it using A-star algorithm ( which is already implemented in this project based on djkistra algorithm using manhattan distances ) or any other search algorithm.

Concerete Server

In our concrete server, given a weighted graph, it will run the search algorithm, and as an output it will return the cheapest route to the target. You can see that the Bridge Design Pattern was implemented, as we created a separation between the problem, and what solves the problem. That way we can solve various problems through different solutions.

The specific problem and solution in this project, is that when given a matrix the server will be able to solve it and return the quickest path from point A to point B using A-star algorithm as said before.

For example: lets assume we have this matrix:


If we'll set the start point to be 114 (0,0) and the end point to be 38 (3,3) then the path ( the output ) will be:

Right, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down.


As stated at the beginning of the repository, the project is a GUI of a flight simulator by which you can control the plane and get information from it.

One of its features is running a script, which is basically a kind of custom programming language that can handle the plane.

As in the following example:

openDataServer 5400 10
connect 5402
var breaks = bind "/controls/flight/speedbrake"
var throttle = bind "/controls/engines/current-engine/throttle"
var heading = bind "/instrumentation/heading-indicator/indicated-heading-deg"
var roll = bind "/instrumentation/attitude-indicator/indicated-roll-deg"
var pitch = bind "/instrumentation/attitude-indicator/internal-pitch-deg"
var rudder = bind "/controls/flight/rudder"
var aileron = bind "/controls/flight/aileron"
var elevator = bind "/controls/flight/elevator"
var alt = bind "/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft"
breaks = 0
throttle = 1
var h0 = heading
sleep 5000
while alt < 1000 {
	rudder = (h0 - heading)/180
	aileron = - roll / 70
	elevator = pitch / 50
	sleep 150

For this purpose, we wrote a code reader, an interpreter, which allows you to connect to the simulator, open a server, and run various commands that control the plane and sample its data.

In the text above, we see a while loop that will take place as long as the plane’s altitude is less than a 1000 meters, the loop content will give orders to the plane's acceleration and elevation. In this part:

rudder = (h0 - heading)/180

We can see that arithmetic expressions are supported as well, and to interpret them we use Dijkstra's Shunting Yard algorithm.

Interpreter Stages


So this script-reader works in a very similar way to the interpreter of a real programming language.

The first stage that happens in the interpretation process is Lexer.

The Lexer takes the string as it is, and converts it to a logical distribution according to commands and parameters that can run later on with a Scanner.

The next stage is the parser stage, which begins converting the "array" created by the Lexer into commands and executes them.

However, since the script is only supposed to control the plane, we don't want that the interpreter will have to deal with connecting to server and running the simulator, in case there are syntactic errors or incorrent entries that might be discovered in the middle of the script.

So, before we start running the commands, we will make sure that a Pre-Parser will pass the initial scan on the script and check for Syntax errors, such as incorrect parameters or irrational values.

MVVM Architecture


In this project we chose to use the MVVM architecture.

We have the View layer that is responsible for the presentation, for example the input from the user. The View is also responsible for producing the graphics and has the code- behind - for example, functions that are activated when we press a button, which are called event-oriented programming.

  • Model – Responsible for our business logic, such as algorithms and data access.
  • View Model – It passes commands from the View to the Model, and its purpose is to separate the View from the Model.
  • Data Binding – We can wrap variables such as those in the View, and then when we change something in the text, it will automatically changed in the ViewModel. For the MVVM architecture to work, we'll have to wrap the different components together. This is done by the Observer Pattern, which binds the different components together, and notify them about changes that are made or needs to be made as required by the operator.

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Flying Control Simulator - A project during my second and third year of degree studies , using java devlopment and implementation of important principles of "Design Patterns".






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