This is a Telegram bot that execute commands in TrinityCore or AzerothCore console via telnet.
If you don't know how to set up a basic Telegram Bot, read this first: and talk with @BotFather
NOTE: this repo is not mantained anymore, use this new Telegram bot!, it's based on PHP and SOAP, made by @MasterKing32.
To run this bot you need the python-telegram-bot library, you can install it by
pip install python-telegram-bot
To install it from source you can download it from
After installing the client you must configure it settings the following parameters:
HOST = "" #IP of the server
port = 3443 #Port of the server
username = "" #Username telnet access
password = "" #Password telnet access
logs = 1 #Enable/Disable logs (1/0)
TOKEN = "" #Token of your telegram bot that you created from @BotFather
The last parameter it's the Token of your bot that you receive while creating it with @BotFather (ask this bot on telegram).
After configuration you can run your bot, remind to enable telnet in etc/worldserver.conf (RA.* settings) and open your worldserver.
You can add a condition filter to this line that active the bot only with your chat throught the chat_id:
just adding "and chat_id == your_chat_id".
What is chat_id? Anyone on Telegram has a chat_id which any bot use to recognize you and send a message.
How can I find my chat_id? You can obtain your chat id just sending /chatid to @GiveChatId_Bot.
(if you want to obtain the chatid of a group you must invite @GiveChatId_Bot to the group and write /chatid, the chat_id of the gorup usually are negative).
Here the commands that are actually supported:
/serverinfo - show server info
/ticket list - show ticket list
/ticket onlinelist - show ticket onlinelist
/ticket viewid {ID}
/ticket complete {ID} {Reason}
/mute {PlayerName} {minutes} {reason}
/mutehistory {accountName}
/unmute {PlayerName}
/gmannounce {testo}
/announce {testo}
/tele {PlayerName} {Area}
/reload {table}
/revive {PlayerName}
/pinfo {PlayerName}
/kick {PlayerName}
/unstuck {PlayerName}
/baninfo ip/account/character {ip/accountName/playerName}
(the follow error should be fixed from this commit )
My bot doesn't run and return the follow error:
LAST_UPDATE_ID = bot.getUpdates()[-1].update_id
IndexError: list index out of range
Send a message to your Bot and (re)run the file
You can help me opening a new issue to report a bug or a suggestion
or you can donate to support me