/device/Manufacturers Directory/Device Directory/
Representing a single device using a json file,
Example: AB01.json
"name": "AB01",
"picture": "ab01.webp",
"description": "HTCC-AB01 (V2) is based on ASR6052, the chip is already integrated with the PSoC® 4000 series MCU (ARM® Cortex® M0+ Core) and SX1262.",
"demo": "https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/asr650x/htcc_ab01/index.html",
"manufacturer": "Heltec Automation",
"type": "Node",
"protocol": "LoRaWAN"
- name: Device Name
- picture: Relative path to the device image
- description: Device Description
- demo: Example Tutorial
- manufacturer: Manufacturer Name
- type: Device type, Node or Gateway
- protocol: Device protocol, LoRaWAN or MQTT