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A Haxe/Lime extension for integrating Google AdMob on iOS and Android.


To install extension-admob, follow these steps:

  1. Haxelib Installation

    haxelib install extension-admob
  2. Haxelib Git Installation (for latest updates)

    haxelib git extension-admob
  3. Project Configuration (Add the following code to your project.xml file)

    <section if="cpp">
      <haxelib name="extension-admob" if="mobile" />


To configure extension-admob for your project, follow these steps:

  1. iOS Frameworks Installation
    To set up the required frameworks for iOS compilation, navigate to the directory where the library is installed and execute the following command:

    chmod +x && ./
  2. Add AdMob App IDs
    Include your AdMob app IDs in your project.xml. Ensure you specify the correct IDs for both Android and iOS platforms.

    <setenv name="ADMOB_APPID" value="ca-app-pub-XXXXX123457" if="android"/>
    <setenv name="ADMOB_APPID" value="ca-app-pub-XXXXX123458" if="ios"/>
  3. GDPR Consent Management
    Beginning January 16, 2024, Google requires publishers serving ads in the EEA and UK to use a certified consent management platform (CMP). This extension integrates Google's UMP SDK to display a consent dialog during the first app launch. Ads may not function if user does not provide consent.

  4. Initializing Admob extension
    If GDPR consent dialog and/or iOS 14+ tracking authorization dialog are required, they are shown automatically upon Admob initialization.

    import extension.admob.*;
    Admob.setCallback(function(event:String, message:String):Void
       if (event == AdmobEvent.INIT_OK)
         //you can load/show your ads here
  5. Checking GDPR Consent Requirements
    After consenting (or not) to show ads, user must have an option to change his choice. To give this choice an access to GDPR consent dialog should be provided somewhere in the app. You can determine if the GDPR consent dialog is required (ie user is from EEA or UK):

    if (Admob.isPrivacyOptionsRequired())
        trace("GDPR consent dialog is required.");
  6. Reopen Privacy Options Dialog
    If needed, allow users to manage their GDPR consent options again:

  7. Verify User Consent
    Check if user has consented to personalized ads:

    if (Admob.getConsent() == AdmobConsent.FULL)
     trace("User consented to personalized ads.");
     trace("User did not consent to personalized ads.");
  8. Check Consent for Specific Purposes
    Verify if user has consented to individual purposes, such as purpose 0:

    if (Admob.hasConsentForPurpose(0) == 1)
     trace("User has consented to purpose 0.");
     trace("User has not consented to purpose 0.");
  9. Load and Show Ads
    Add the following snippets to display ads in your app:

    • Banner Ad

    • Interstitial Ad

      Admob.setCallback(function(event:String, message:String):Void
        if (event == AdmobEvent.INTERSTITIAL_LOADED)
    • Rewarded Ad

      Admob.setCallback(function(event:String, message:String):Void
        if (event == AdmobEvent.REWARDED_LOADED)
    • App Open Ad

      Admob.setCallback(function(event:String, message:String):Void
        if (event == AdmobEvent.APP_OPEN_LOADED)


Google is a registered trademark of Google Inc.

AdMob is a registrered trademark of Google Inc.


The MIT License (MIT) -

Copyright (c) 2025 Haxe/Lime/NME/OpenFL contributors