A sane and simple API that sits on top of the time
library; it
allows the creation of time intervals, and functions to manipulate
time using them. Inspired on the Time
module found on
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.Time (UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Tiempo (TimeInterval, days, hours, minutes,
seconds, toMicroSeconds, toNominalDiffTime,
threadDelay :: TimeInterval -> IO ()
threadDelay = Concurrent.threadDelay . toMicroSeconds
fromTime :: TimeInterval -> UTCTime -> UTCTime
fromTime interval = addUTCTime (toNominalDiffTime interval)
fromNow :: TimeInterval -> IO UTCTime
fromNow interval = fromTime interval `fmap` getCurrentTime
agoTime :: TimeInterval -> UTCTime -> UTCTime
agoTime interval = addUTCTime (realToFrac (-1 * toSeconds interval))
ago :: TimeInterval -> IO UTCTime
ago interval = agoTime interval `fmap` getCurrentTime
main :: IO ()
main = do
ago (minutes 3) >>= print
getCurrentTime >>= print
fromNow (minutes 3) >>= print
fromNow (hours 4) >>= print
fromNow (days 1) >>= print
threadDelay $ seconds 5
putStrLn "DONE"